How to Harness the Healing Power of Earth’s Natural Vibration With Sound
HJ: The Earth emits a very specific vibrational frequency known as the Schumann Resonance, which is spoken about in depth in the article below. When we have our bare skin touching the surface…

How to Read and Harmonize Your Aura
HJ: Learning to harmonize and repair the aura is not terribly difficult. It can be accomplished rather rapidly with some basic meditation practices outlined at the end of this article. Learning to see…

How to Make the Law of Attraction Work For You
HJ: The Law of Attraction is always in effect. The key is to begin working with it in a way that brings you more of what you want and less of what you dont…

4 Steps to Get You Through Any Challenge In Life
HJ: One of the primary keys to overcoming any challenge you face in life is reframing the situation. Typically our default state is to view a challenge as an obstacle or difficulty. However,…

How to Improve the Quality of Your Sleep Using Ancient Principles of Yoga and Ayurveda
HJ: The ancient sister sciences of Yoga and Ayurveda both offer numerous techniques, principles and practices for those looking to improve the quality of their sleep. Whether you are suffering from sleeplessness, insomnia…

The Top 10 Destinations for Conscious Travelers
HJ: Thinking about taking a trip but are sick of resorts and other commercial, touristy destinations? Nourish your soul with these conscious travel destinations, which offer spiritual substance in addition to their breathtaking beauty. Much…

How to Release Your Past So You Can Experience Happiness Right Now
HJ: We often do not realize that we are caught up in thinking about the past. Until we begin practicing mindfulness regularly and get a handle on our thoughts, we typically operate somewhat unconsciously. Furthermore, we…

Can This Forgotten Chinese Herb Replace Antidepressants? Master Acupuncturists Say Yes
HJ: There are many herbs that exist just outside of mainstream awareness with truly incredible health giving and healing properties. The knowledge of them exists in isolated pockets around the world and obscure…

The Hidden Meaning of Synchronicities and Coincidences
HJ: Albert Einstein famously said “God does not play dice with the universe.” Despite what we have been led to believe about coincidences and synchronicities (namely that they are little more than chance),…

How to Purify Your Internal Organs Using Tai Chi and Yoga
HJ: Both the practice of Yoga and Tai Chi can be likened to giving your internal organs a deep massage. The various postures, poses and movement sequences apply varying degrees of pressure to the organs…