Consciously Creating Your Life: The Keys to Making the Law of Attraction Work For You
HJ: The universe will bring to you what you focus on and resonate with — it’s that simple. It works, every time, without fail — however, and this is key, is that it…

Turning Problems Into Opportunities: How to See the Potential For Growth in Every Situation
HJ: One of the fundamental concepts that anyone on the spiritual path must understand is that you will see in the world, yourself and others whatever is that you choose to focus on….

How To Eliminate the Hidden Fears Keeping You From Reaching Your Highest Potential
HJ: Until we face and work through them, we all have hidden — yet still consciously accessible — fears that in some way are keeping us from being happier/healthier/more successful/ or reaching our…

Sex and Spirituality: How to Cultivate a Enlightened and Pleasurable Relationship With Both
HJ: The puritanical ideals of sex that have been drilled into the consciousness of humankind over the last few thousands of years are some of the hardest notions to erase from ones mind….

The Mystery of Spiritual Awakening: Understanding the The Causes of Higher States of Consciousness
HJ: I suspect most people who regularly visit the Healers Journal have either experienced a spiritual awakening leading to higher states of consciousness or are in the midst of doing so. After all,…

Living Abundantly: 5 Core Principles For Getting Everything You Need to Be Happy and Fulfilled in Life
HJ: This is such a great article with truly deep and profound advice. It may seem innocuous in many ways, but the truth is that there is much more than meets the eye…

Understanding Synchronicity: 6 Tips For Learning How to Recognize When the Universe is Sending You a Message
HJ: When you really begin to ponder the incredible amount of alignment that needs to take place in order for a synchronicity to occur, it becomes undeniable that there are some larger forces…

Why Some People Manifest Effortlessly and Others Don’t
HJ: First, let us be clear — everyone has the power to manifest effortlessly. The ability to manifest your dreams and desires is not some inborn talent that only a few lucky people…

Inspired Living: How to Find Purpose and Meaning in Your Life
HJ: One of the primary keys to a fulfilling, inspired life is understanding your purpose and living a life with meaning. Without these ingredients we are prone to feeling lost, isolated, at odds…

How to Deal With Difficult People in an Enlightened Way
HJ: One of the most challenging issues for people on the spiritual path is how to deal with difficult people in an enlightened way. We have a tendency to be passive aggressive in…