How to Make Affirmations Work For You, Even If They Haven’t in the Past
HJ: In addition to the advice offered below, I would like to add a few things. 1) When you are repeating your affirmations, be as focused and full of intent as possible. Cut…

Seeing What Others Don’t: How to Train Your Mind to Experience Epiphanies and Insights
HJ: Epiphanies and insight can be cultivated. For instance, yesterday I was walking down the beach, letting my mind roam wherever it so desired (one of the conditions for experiencing epiphanies as described…

Mastering Your Mind: The 8 Laws That Govern the Mind and How to Use Them to Reshape Your Consciousness
HJ: Until we understand the mind, it will be difficult, if not impossible, to master it. This may seem to be an overwhelming thought to some who feel that the mind is infinitely complex, and indeed it…

How to Prioritize Your Life For Greater Happiness and Fulfillment
HJ: What you focus on, you amplify, therefore if you desire happiness and fulfillment, it is wise to focus on those things which cultivate these traits in your life. I often times hear…

Demystifying the Law of Attraction: Understanding the Different Approaches to the Sacred Science of Manifestation
HJ: There are many different philosophies and approaches to working with the law of attraction and this can ultimately be bewildering, especially to someone new to the topic. In can also cause one…

Creating Peace and Harmony: How to Forgive Anyone For Anything (Including Yourself)
HJ: The irony of forgiveness is that it is often times easier to forgive someone else than it is to forgive yourself. However, as the Huna see it, everyone is simply an extension…

Understanding The Journey of the Soul: How You Choose Life Experiences and Create Your Reality
HJ: The journey of the soul is one of an increasingly deeper understanding of the self and hence the reality in which one finds themselves. The irony of this is that you truly…

How to Overcome the 4 Biggest Hurdles to Successfully Manifesting Your Desires
HJ: One of the biggest misconceptions that exist regarding successfully manifesting your desires is that you simply need to shift your thoughts and then everything you want will simply appear in your life….

Are You Asking Yourself the Right Questions? How to Positively Shift Your Focus and Empower Your Life
HJ: Almost all of us have a continual inner dialogue which is operating on autopilot so to speak. It is fueled by our subconscious mind which has internalized certain beliefs about ourselves and…