How to Overcome the 5 Biggest Obstacles to Making Positive Changes In Your Life
HJ: Making positive changes in your life can really be quite easy and simple once you have removed the 5 biggest obstacles to doing so. Most people struggle with making permanent, positive changes…

5 Intuitive Messages That You Should Never Ignore
HJ: It can be tempting to ignore your intuitive messages — you may feel that they are irrational or illogical, that they are asking you to do impossible things, or perhaps they trigger…

The Four Essential Traits You Need To Become a Successful Manifestor
HJ: This is, without a doubt, one of the most powerful articles for anyone who wants to begin tapping into the power of manifestation successfully. Quite simply, the traits listed below perfectly sum…

Unlimited Possibility: How to Overcome the Limitations of the Ego Mind and Start Living From the Heart
HJ: Your rational, ego mind is inherently limited and always will be — but it is possible to overcome these limits by moving into the realm of intuition and feeling, both originating from…

6 Powerful Techniques to Ignite Your Creativity and Passion For Life
HJ: Creativity is much more than simply something we access when we want to write a poem, draw, play an instrument or create any kind of art. It is actually a fundamental driving…

Make Peace With Your Past: How to Transform Painful or Difficult Memories Into Opportunities for Growth and Healing
HJ: Most people accept that their past is set in stone and cannot be changed, however, this is a fallacy. This kind of belief/thinking leads you to constantly re-experience painful or difficult memories…

How to Rewire Your Subconscious Mind: Powerful Self-Hypnosis Techniques to Shape Your Thoughts
HJ: In this article you will be given an understanding of the incredible power of rewiring your subconscious mind and five specific techniques to effectively begin doing it at your own convenience through…

How to Recognize When Your Intuition is Speaking: 22 Ways to Cultivate Your Inner Wisdom
HJ: Intuition is really not that difficult to tap into, it simply requires you to have awareness of your internal state at a deeper level than most people are used to. It is…

Understanding How Your Thoughts Create Your Reality Through The Power of Active Consciousness
HJ: There is quite a bit of confusion about how your thoughts create your reality. Despite the fact that this is constantly occurring whether or not one can perceive it or recognize it, there is…

Powerful Ancient Yoga Techniques For Overcoming Anxiety and Stress
HJ: Stress has its origins in the mind and is partially based on our perceptions of ourselves and the world around us. Therefore all effective strategies for dealing with stress deal with it…