The 10 Keys to a Happy, Healthy Relationship
HJ: The quality of our relationships is a defining factor in the quality of our life. Healthy relationships are a cornerstone of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and help us feel connected to the…

9 Warning Signs You May Be Headed Down the Wrong Path (and How to Get Back on the Right One)
HJ: Life gives you very blatant warning signs when you are heading down the wrong path. The problem is that most people ignore them and don’t recognize that the universe is actually trying to…

How Fasting Supercharges Your Brain
HJ: Fasting has remarkable effects on the brain. Beyond this, fasting also has profound effects on the body and spirit — in every sense, a true tonic for the mind body spirit triad….

How to Eliminate Negative Emotions and Keep the Positive Ones
HJ: Positive and negative emotions are really two sides of the same coin — the coin of acceptance. Negative emotions arise when we do not accept events, circumstances, things, etc. in our life…

How to Detox Unhealthy Relationships and People Out of Your Life
HJ: There is an almost addictive quality to unhealthy relationships/people that can make it hard to remove them from your life, even after you have the realization that it needs to happen. This…

How to Create Deep, Lasting Happiness in Your Life
HJ: Cultivating lasting happiness in your life requires you to only adjust your perspective and perception of your day to day experiences. There is no force, event or circumstance outside the self which…

How to Stay Calm in the Midst of Chaos
HJ: The key to staying calm in the midst of chaos is realizing that you have a choice in the matter — how calm you feel at any given moment is completely under…

The Art of Saying No: How to Radically Improve Your Life and Happiness
HJ: We humans are generally agreeable creatures and want to make others happy by saying yes, however, saying no at the right times is just as important (perhaps even more so) for improving…

How to Find Your Authentic Voice and Express Who You Really Are
HJ: In a sense, finding your authentic voice is what life is all about. If you are not expressing your true self — who you really are, then you are not living life…

How to Snap Out of Living Life on Autopilot and Change the Course of Your Life
HJ: You have probably heard the famous saying ‘Familiarity breeds contempt.’ While this is especially true in relationships, in life in general, the fact is that familiarity breeds comfort and comfort breeds complacency….