How to Optimize Your Health By Understanding the Medicinal Properties of the Food You Eat
HJ: In order to optimize your health, you simply need to learn how to classify the foods you eat according to their properties and taste. This is actually incredibly simple and the article…

How Embracing Diversity Helps You Grow Stronger and Happier
HJ: Quite simply, embracing diversity expands your possibilities in life — the possibility of living your dreams, the possibility of becoming successful, the possibility of meeting your soul mate… you name it. When…

How to Ease Your Mind and Tap Into Deep States of Inner Peace
HJ: Institute of HeartMath founder Doc Childre shares his powerful techniques for how to ease your mind and tap into deep states of inner peace. Doc is essentially showing us how to access our…

How Your Hormones Interact With Your Chakra System
HJ: Understanding how your hormones interact with your chakra system will give you deeper insight into the complex relationship between the mind body and spirit and allow you to heal yourself at deeper levels. Many…

How to Properly Harness the Power of Gratitude For Improving Your Life
HJ: The power of gratitude cannot be overstated. Quite simply, it attracts to you that which you value and love. This wonderful article by the wise Steve Pavlina will help you better understand…

The Power of Sound: How Vibration Helps Us Heal
HJ: Every atom in the universe and cell in your body is vibrating constantly and this can be directed and enhanced through the power of sound frequencies in the form of words and…

A Complete Guide to Finding Your True Self and Awakening to Your Full Potential
HJ: Finding your true self is the single most important thing you can do in this life and is the key to awakening to your full potential. Your true self exists below the layers…

7 Powerful Ways to Accelerate Your Spiritual Evolution
HJ: The beauty of spiritual evolution is that it is at once our ‘destiny’ and also brings with it happiness, fulfillment, joy and the end of suffering. We simply need to shed those habits,…

How I Healed and Strengthened My DNA: An Introduction to the Regenetics Method
HJ: There are few subjects which are simultaneously so fascinating and mysterious as the function and purpose of our DNA. As science continues to break new ground in this area, we are collectively…

10 Powerful Ways to Begin Living More Consciously in Your Day to Day Life
HJ: Living consciously in your day to day life is the fastest and surest way to increase your happiness, fulfillment and joy and to accelerate the growth of your spiritual and self awareness. Living…