How to Live Your Passion and Start Doing What You Love
HJ: A life lived without passion is hardly a life at all and yet so many people get trapped in this kind of existence, almost always out of fear… fear of going for it…

Feeling Rejected? These 3 Spiritual Truths Will Help You Get Back On Your Feet
HJ: Rejection can be very difficult to deal with… if you don’t have these three ‘spiritual skills’ to help you quickly get over it and move on to bigger and better things. This…

12 Simple Ways to Find Real Happiness and Joy in Your Life Today
HJ: Finding joy in your life is as simple as knowing where to look. The fact is, that joy exists all around us and it is up to you to recognize and embrace it….

The Two Biggest Blocks to Manifesting Your Dreams (And How to Overcome Them)
HJ: Manifestation works every time, without fail, unless you are standing in your own way — whether you realize it or not… The fact is that most people use the correct techniques for…

How to Overcome The Limits of the Mind and Connect to the Wisdom of Your Soul
HJ: The mind is inherently limited. The soul is, by its very nature, unlimited. When you integrate this realization and ease off trying to figure everything out, you instantly align yourself with the…

Shamanic Guidance For Connecting to Your True Self
HJ: There is but one goal on the path of life: to reconnect to your true self. And you are not far off at any moment, after all, you are your true self…

Love Yourself: 3 Simple Ways to Embrace the Power of Self-Compassion
HJ: The great irony is that we often find it easier to show compassion to others than to ourselves. Why is this? Why do we tend to struggle with self-compassion, when it should…

How to Install Empowering Beliefs into Your Subconscious Mind
HJ: It is not your thoughts, but your subconscious beliefs, which create your reality. Thoughts arise based on our belief structures and many people make the mistake of trying to change their thoughts,…