How to See the Good, Even in Your Most Challenging Situations
HJ: It’s tempting to think and believe that life is happening to you, when the reality is that it’s dynamically interacting with you. That means there is a silver lining even in the…

Awakening the Heart: Spiritual Wisdom to Help You Heal Emotional Pain and Thrive
HJ: In one way or another, all of our problems can be traced back to unhealed emotional pain. By awakening the heart and clearing out the debris left from past memories and experiences,…

9 Spiritual Practices to Help You Effortlessly Overcome Anything Life Throws At You
HJ: Live never goes as planned, so having a spiritual toolkit loaded with powerful practices is an essential ingredient to be able to find happiness, peace, calm and joy in whatever situation you…

The 5 Biggest Mistakes People Make When Following Their Passions (and How to Avoid Them)
HJ: Deciding to follow your passion is what life is all about, but sometimes it can be overwhelming–especially at first. Following your passions, among many things, means taking responsibility for your path in…

How to Overcome Subconscious Resistance to Making Positive Changes in Your Life
HJ: How many times have you decided to make positive changes in your life, only to find yourself facing incredible resistance to doing so? That’s subconscious resistance and it keeps us stuck, even…

20 Questions That Will Free Your Mind From Negative Thinking
HJ: It’s easy to get lost in the vicious cycle of negative thinking. But what if you could snap yourself out of it just by asking a few specific questions that quickly free your…

13 Highly Effective Ways to Teach Yourself to Be More Confident
HJ: Every time we are faced with a decision, we can affirm confidence, inspiration, passion and adventure or fear, insecurity, doubt and distrust. Ultimately it is these day to day decisions that shape…