10 Simple Practices to Massively Increase Your Peace of Mind and Happiness
HJ: What if you could start doing simple, fun things throughout your day that would massively increase your peace of mind and happiness? Would you be game? Well, it’s totally possible and further…
How to Be Prepared For Anything Life Throws Your Way
HJ: Life never goes as planned. Even if it does momentarily, it will surely change course at some point in ways you couldn’t have even imagined. And then what? What do you do…
15 Healing Herbs to Boost Your Thyroid Function and Balance Your Hormones
HJ: Nature’s infinite wisdom has provided a medicine for every ailment, a cure for every imbalance. Our hormonal systems are some of the most important in the body as hormones are the master…
10 Powerful Ways to Permanently Boost Your Happiness and Peace in Life
HJ: The amount of happiness and peace you experience in life is directly related to how you perceive the events and circumstances in your life. Change your perception, change your mood. Simple, right?…
4 Simple but Powerful Steps for Making Big, Positive Changes in Your Life
HJ: The only constant in life is change and yet change can be difficult for us, mainly because it forces us to move outside our comfort zone and venture into the unknown. Not…
How to Bring Your Mind, Body and Spirit into Balance and Harmony Using the Power of Mindfulness
HJ: He who controls the mind is a master of his world. Thoughts come and go like the wind and are naught but reflections of deeper levels of the self… our beliefs and…
What Your Inner Critic Is Really Trying to Teach You Yourself
HJ: This is an interesting article that takes a fresh look at an old subject and flies in the face of much of the wisdom out there, which typically recommends you silence your…
Attitude Reconstruction: 6 Ways to Eliminate Fear and Anxiety From Your Life
HJ: You’ll often hear people saying things like face your fears and move forward anyways. But what if you could get rid of fear instead of living with it? What if you could…
11 Core Habits Of People Who Never Worry
HJ: Worry is like practicing what you don’t want. And yet, many people can’t seem to help themselves. Why is that? Because worry is actually the surface level symptom of a deeper problem….
4 Powerful Shamanic Exercises For Awakening Your Consciousness
HJ: Before modern medicine, modern psychology, there was the shaman. The shaman was the healer and for thousands of years they have developed powerful practices for raising consciousness. In fact, many would say…