How Alternate Nostril Breathing Can Balance Your Nervous System and Reduce Stress
HJ: Alternate Nostril Breathing is perhaps the premiere technique for awakening the third-eye and stimulating activity of the pineal gland. It works by balancing the two major ‘nadis’ (energy channels or meridians) that…
Going Beyond the Chakras: Understanding the Five Koshas and Their Role in Health, Healing and Higher Consciousness
HJ: The Koshas give us a complete template for the expression of consciousness in physical form. Developed thousands of years ago by the master Swami’s, Mystics, Seers and Rishi’s of ancient Hindu culture…
How to Access Shamanic States of Consciousness
HJ: Shamanic consciousness teaches us to shift our mind away from everyday reality and perceive that which exists beyond the ordinary. There are many realities coexisting simultaneously. Our consciousness can be thought of…
What Do All Happy People Have in Common? These 10 Essential Habits
HJ: Happiness need not be elusive. There are proven, timeless techniques that anyone can use to cultivate happiness in their life whenever they so choose to do so. Happiness is not reliant on…
How to Keep Yourself From Being Affected by the Negative Thoughts of Others
HJ: Science is now proving what spiritualists have long known — thoughts are contagious, especially those that are negative. For anyone willing to step back and look at the way the world operates…
Understanding Natural Disasters in the Context of Higher Consciousness
HJ: Natural disasters are typically given negative connotations, which is totally understandable in the context of the associated loss of life and injury that can and do often occur. But looking beyond that,…