The Hidden Meaning of Synchronicities and Coincidences
HJ: Albert Einstein famously said “God does not play dice with the universe.” Despite what we have been led to believe about coincidences and synchronicities (namely that they are little more than chance),…

How to Purify Your Internal Organs Using Tai Chi and Yoga
HJ: Both the practice of Yoga and Tai Chi can be likened to giving your internal organs a deep massage. The various postures, poses and movement sequences apply varying degrees of pressure to the organs…

How Gratitude Can Help You Sail Through Hard Times
HJ: Practicing gratitude honestly will reframe seemingly negative situations or challenges into opportunities for growth and greater awareness of the self. It really is all about perspective. We can choose to view a…

How to Create True Prosperity in Your Life No Matter What The Economy is Doing
HJ: First and foremost, prosperity is a mindset. The biggest stumbling block for most people is continually searching outside themselves for prosperity. In this situation, one is constantly at the behest of external…

How to Improve Your Relationships By Becoming a Compassionate Listener
HJ: For many years, I thought I was a great listener. However, as I became more self-aware, I realized that I wasn’t listening — I was just waiting for my turn to speak….

Deepak Chopra on How to Create a Life of True Fulfillment
HJ: It’s something we all want in life — greater fulfillment… a feeling of purpose, clarity, happiness and meaning. You can truly have it all, but you better be prepared to get very…