How to Develop a Spiritually Sound Relationship With Money
HJ: Are you secretly sabotaging yourself in your relationship with money? If you are a highly spiritually inclined and aware individual, you may very well be. For various reasons, during our lives we…

July 2013 Energetic Forecast: The Great Emotional Cleanse
HJ: Higher levels of awareness and consciousness require us to release those habits, beliefs, thoughts and patterns which no longer serve our highest good. In this way, we undergo a powerful emotional and…

How to Break Through Your Inner Limitations and Realize Your Full Potential
HJ: You are the only one keeping yourself from realizing your full potential. As soon as you wish to transcend your limitations, you can do so. It really is as simple as that….

Meditation for Cultivating Prosperity and Abundance (Video)
HJ: Prosperity, or lack thereof, is more related to personal beliefs about self worth and abundance than about money itself. Self worth and abundance issues physically correspond to the lower three chakras and…

Get in Touch With Your Wisdom: How Learning to Trust Yourself Will Transform Your Life
HJ: This is a powerful story from one of the greatest spiritual guides of our time helping us to understand the importance of self trust. Many people are not able to identify with the…

Understanding the Role of ‘Darkness’ and ‘Evil’ in Higher Consciousness
HJ: In a recent discussion with one of my teachers, the subject of perspective came up. The bulk of humanity is currently operating from a dualistic framework at this time. Duality can be…

The Transformational Power of Habits: How to Use Them to Rapidly Change Your Life
HJ: Habits can be massively powerful tools for personal transformation and rapid growth. By making something a regular part of your life — devoting a set amount of time to it on a…

How to Connect to Your Higher Self and Discover Your Truth
HJ: Our personal truth is the unique roadmap given to us by our higher selves for fulfillment in this lifetime. There are multiple incarnations of higher truth and it is important to distinguish…

3 Powerful Meditation Techniques for Developing Your Intuition
HJ: Developing our intuition is one of the most liberating and empowering things we can do in life. Imagine a source of guidance that never leads you astray but constantly towards your highest…