Living Courageously: 5 Ways to Overcome Your Fear and Live a Life of Passion
HJ: Fear is a biological mechanism designed to keep us safe and alive, however, when we react fearfully to situations that do not threaten our survival directly, it begins to cause problems in…

How to Harness the Power of Your Imagination to Achieve Your Dreams and Goals
HJ: Imagination is one of the most powerful faculties we posses for achieving our dreams and goals. It is essentially a blank canvas where we can flesh out ideas, inspiration and creative ways…

What it Takes to Be Great: What We Can Learn From Those Who Live Their Dreams
HJ: Greatness is not something that only a select few ‘talented’ individuals are born with the potential to achieve. It is an attitude towards living that anyone can adopt and learn that produces…

The Four Major Stepping Stones on the Path to Higher Consciousness
HJ: In this article, the path of higher consciousness is substituted with the word ‘God’. Many of you will have no issue with this, but I imagine the religious connotations associated with this…

Emotional Harmony: How to Discover Your Emotional Signature and Bring it Into Balance
HJ: We all have a set of conditioned emotional responses that events, people, and circumstances in life trigger within us. These are dictated by our beliefs about ourselves and the world around us….

4 Questions to Help You Rediscover Your Passion in Life
HJ: If you have lost site of or even forgotten your passion in life, you’re not alone. Without consistent attention and nurture, our dreams and passions tend to fade from memory as we…

Why You Don’t Need to Work Hard to Earn a Living: How to Manifest Effortlessly By Doing What You Love
HJ: Most people spend their entire lives not pursuing their passions and dreams and find life to be difficult, filled with unending insecurity, drudgery and end up never feeling fulfilled. They struggle to…

The 4 Keys to Lasting Happiness
HJ: There is such a great quote in this article: Pleasure is not happiness. Pleasure is conditional and happiness is not conditional. I think this is a big area of confusion for many…

How to Train Your Mind to Produce Lifelong Health and Wellbeing
HJ: Most people believe health begins in the body, and certainly there is a bodily component to health, however, the power of the mind to produce health and wellbeing always supersedes any physical efforts. Some of…