Making Peace With Your Past: How to Neutralize the Emotional and Energetic Charges of Past Memories
HJ: If we do not properly process and release, or worse yet, if we repress any emotional charge that occurs during a given event, situation or circumstance, it becomes energetically bound to the…

Evolving Your Perception: How to See the Opportunity Hidden in Every Challenge
HJ: Learning to recognize the hidden opportunity in every challenge and situation is a major step on the path of the evolution of consciousness because there are two major concepts which are embodied…

Awakening to Your True Potential: Understanding Who You Are and Why You Are Here
HJ: To unlock your potential, you must first understand who you are beyond all the societal, familial and social conditionings you have been brought up with. Furthermore, you must fill in the gaps…

The 5 Biggest Myths You’ve Been Told About How Your Brain Works
HJ: We have been lead to believe many things in the name of science and reason that simply are not true. It is not that they were necessarily designed to be misleading, but…

Mastering Your Mind: Understanding the Difference Between the Conscious and Subconscious Mind
HJ: There is great confusion over the conscious and subconscious mind — where does one end and the other begin? Is there a clear boundary? Which has more influence on our lives? Are…

The 6 Foundational Steps to Making Meaningful, Lasting Change In Your Life
HJ: Life is inherently paradoxical. On one hand you are perfect just as you are. Yes, even with all your seeming ‘faults’ and less than desirable characteristics, you are perfect, so it would be wise…

Inspirational Words of Wisdom on Happiness and Purpose From the Greatest Minds in History
HJ: From our perspective, it seems as though the greatest minds in history were not solely the result of some innate talent, special genes or even gifts of intelligence. Looking at it from…

Five Essential ‘Super Foods’ for Radiant Health of Your Mind, Body and Spirit
HJ: What is food but nourishment? If we expand the definition of superfood to those things that offer us super-nourishment, the concept takes on new meaning. And while vitamins and minerals are important…

Developing Your Heart Consciousness: A Seven Step Meditation For Joy, Peace and Awareness
HJ: In our modern culture, we have become heavily focused on the mind as the supreme source of intelligence and inspiration. We have come to rely on rationale and logic as our primary…

Tapping Your Inner Genius: How to Unleash Your Creative Mind
HJ: We have been led to believe that genius is a gift that only a few lucky souls posses — an incredible capacity of the mind for intelligence and thought. However, the truth…