Powerful Ancient Yoga Techniques For Overcoming Anxiety and Stress
HJ: Stress has its origins in the mind and is partially based on our perceptions of ourselves and the world around us. Therefore all effective strategies for dealing with stress deal with it…

Life-Changing Lessons You Can Learn From the Regrets of the Dying (and How to Avoid Making the Same Mistakes as They Did)
HJ: The regrets of the dying offer us profound insight into what we can do to make living our lives more fulfilling and ultimately happier and richer. We have a tendency to get so…

The Secrets of Shamanic Medicine: How to Cultivate Healing Through Spiritual Awareness
HJ: Shamanic medicine is a powerful form of healing that works at the spiritual level primarily, realizing that it is here where all true healing occurs. In fact, one can cure all chromic disease…

How Your Thoughts Powerfully Shape Your Brain
HJ: In the process of understanding how your thoughts shape your brain, one often finds themselves at the conclusion that negative thoughts are bad and to be avoided at all costs. And while…

10 Highly Effective Ways to Overcome the Fear of Failure
HJ: More than anything else, it is the fear of failure which keeps us from achieving the greatness each one of us is destined for, should we choose to embrace our talents and…

20 Powerful Questions to Help You Find Work You Love and Discover Your Personal Inspiration
HJ: When we are children we dream of doing the work we love because of sheer passion and inherent interest. As we age, we often times trade these childhood dreams for a paycheck,…

35 Powerful Affirmations to Reprogram Your Mind For Health, Happiness, and Abundance
HJ: Depending on who you ask, affirmations are either life changing or simply don’t work. Why the major discrepancy? I’ll tell you and at the same time show you how to make sure…

How to Speak the Language of Your Intuition
HJ: We are constantly receiving intuitive messages, however, most people have not learned to speak the language of their intuition and therefore are not tapping into the full benefits of this incredible ability…

Slow Down, Live Longer: How Your State of Mind and Emotions Affect Your Health
HJ: More than any other factors our mind and emotions affect our health. With a strong enough conviction and level of belief, the mind can even overcome the needs of the physical body….