spiritual evolution

9 Ways to Begin Living From Your Heart

HJ: Living from the heart is an ability we all possess… sometimes we just need a gentle reminder to get out of our heads and reconnect with the wisdom at the core of our…


How the Universe Responds to Your Energetic Vibration, Explained

HJ: The universe is not static — it is dynamically responding to your every thought and emotion, the combination of which is known as your energetic vibration.  Despite what mainstream science might have you believe,…


8 Ways to Transform Challenges into Opportunities for Self Growth

HJ: People react to challenges in two ways: as an excuse to give up or an opportunity to grow and evolve.  In fact, how we react to challenges is the single biggest factor…


How to Unconditionally Love Yourself

HJ: Unconditional love is your birthright and is totally possible in this life, in this moment… as soon as right now.  But the challenge is to find this unconditional love within ourselves.  Many…


5 Ancient Hawaiian Healing Techniques for Cleansing Your Mind of Habitual Patterns and Limiting Beliefs

HJ: Cleansing our bodies is something many of us do regularly, but how often do we cleanse our minds?  How often do we turn our focus inward to detoxify our minds of the…


The IQ of Your Soul: How to Determine Your Wisdom Quotient (WQ)

HJ: In our society, we typically place a great deal of importance on someones intelligence, but we often lack in the area of wisdom.  Intelligence has brought us some incredible marvels of technology…


How to Simplify Your Life Like a Zen Master

HJ: Like anything in life, achieving the outcome you desire is more about your internal state of mind/being than anything else.  Therefore if you desire to simplify your life, you must begin to…


8 Keys to Handling Difficult People With Ease and Grace

HJ: This article will teach you how to handle difficult people with ease and grace, effectively disarming them while maintaining your integrity and center.  Difficult people are typically reacting emotionally and non-rationally, which can…

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Here’s How to Never Regret Another Day (Or Moment) of Your Life

HJ: We regret things only because we don’t understand or see the lesson they have to teach us.  Until we embrace that lesson, our regrets will continue to haunt us and cause unnecessary…


The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success: Tap Into Your Natural Abundance

HJ: Success is not random.  Success follows established laws and anyone who becomes successful is following them either consciously or unconsciously, purposefully or accidentally.  Not only do these laws allow/help you to tap…

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