Quantum Physics

What is Going on With Our Sun? Sunspots and Human Consciousness

HJ: These days those involved in metaphysics hear quite a bit about the sun, sunspots, CME’s and their effects on human consciousness.  This incredibly in-depth article explores the relationship between human consciousness and…


The Role of Quantum Physics in the Mystical State of the Near-Death Experience

HJ: Quantum physics is beginning to offer explanations of some very interesting areas of the experience of consciousness.  What we are witnessing is the bridging of science and spirituality, which is long overdue.  While the…


How the Eclipses of 2013 Help Us to Access Our Multidimensional Nature

HJ: Eclipses are sacred alignments of celestial bodies which amplify and create specific energetic patterns that have the effect of transforming human consciousness, among other things.  As such, they are catalysts for change…


The 7 Quantum Physics Theories That Explain How Everything is Made of Energy

HJ: It’s pretty common to hear people tossing around the idea that everything is made of energy and that thoughts can create reality, but just what is the basis for these ideas and…


Unlocking the Secrets of Sacred Geometry: Understanding the Meaning and Benefits of Mystical Symbols

HJ: The philosophy and science behind sacred geometry is absolutely fascinating and few have explained it as simply and beautifully as David Weitzman does in this illuminating piece.  Sacred Geometry permeates literally everything…


How to Cultivate Unconditional Happiness in Your Life

HJ: Happiness, like most things in life, is a choice. Although many may be unconscious of this fact and be operating on autopilot in how they react to any given circumstance, event or…


A Complete Guide to Understanding and Working With Life Force Energy

HJ: Understanding and learning to work with life force energy (prana, qi, and so on) is of utmost importance for cultivating health, balance and happiness in ones life.  Everything around us contains an…


How to Balance the Human Energy Field With Assemblage Point Therapy

HJ: Just like all protons have a cloud of electrons which encircle them, so too does the human body have an energy field surrounding it.  After all, the body is composed at a…


How to Change Your Body’s Energy With Specific Healing Sounds

HJ: Not only does sound affect the body — the body also reacts to and emits its own unique ‘cell song’.  All vibration/motion produces sound, although it may be inaudible due to the…


Understanding Natural Disasters in the Context of Higher Consciousness

HJ: Natural disasters are typically given negative connotations, which is totally understandable in the context of the associated loss of life and injury that can and do often occur.  But looking beyond that,…

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