Quantum Physics

DL Zeta: Our Movement into the New Time is Vertical, Not Linear

HJ: Spiritual growth is based on vibrational frequency.  Take heed of these words of wisdom from DL Zeta: “This new passage we have entered is about raising our vibrational frequency to enter timelines…


The Role of Diet and Food In The Activation and Maintenance of the Light Body

HJ:  I cannot overstate the importance of diet in the maintenance of the light body.  Eating in a way that shows great respect for the body temple is simply requisite discipline for higher…


Raising Your Frequency in 2013

HJ: The act of raising ones frequency is a core concept to be explored and mastered on the spiritual path.  It is a timeless practice which continually builds upon itself in a beautiful…

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Archangel Metatron: 2013 – The Aquarian Shift & Anthropocene Radiation

HJ: It has been a while since the last Metatron via James Tyberonn update.  However, it is probably necessary to space these messages out quite a bit due to the level of information…


Chris Bourne: Homo Divinicus – The Shape of Things to Come

HJ: This is a wonderful article in which Chris touches upon some advanced, powerful spiritual concepts.  He outlines the 7 Koshas below, which is an ancient concept defining the seven bodily levels we…


The Infinite Ascension

HJ: The concept of Ascension as a single day event is a gross misunderstanding of the fundamental nature of Ascension.  It is always possible to Ascend and whether or not one does so…


DL Zeta: Uniting our Physical and Energetic Selves Activates Fifth-Dimensional Timelines

HJ: DL Zeta continues to be one of the best sources for higher dimensional spiritual information available at this time.  She has literally laid out a complete road map to accessing our higher…


Learning to Work With Intuition: Empowerment Begins Inside Your Body

HJ:  The development of ones intuition is a critical step on the path to higher conscious awareness.  We all contain this powerful ‘internal compass’ that will never lead us astray, however, we must…


Creating the Life of Your Dreams: Understanding and Working With The Law of Attraction

HJ: While all the talk of Ascension and what that means for humanity has its place, in a way, it obfuscates the real problems facing humanity at this time, which is a lack…


Neale Donald Walsch: You Are Co-Creating Life’s Events

HJ: Once again, Neale brings us timeless words of wisdom and insight into the nature of reality.  The concepts he touches on and expresses so eloquently are fundamental laws of the universe that…

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