Understanding Your Level of Consciousness: What It Means and How to Raise It
HJ: The level of consciousness scale described below (the Hawkins Scale) is not intended to pigeon hole you into a numerical framework that defines you as a person — it is merely a…
Awakening From the Illusion: Understanding How We Create and Interact With Reality
HJ: The illusion is that life is happening to us, when, in fact we are either consciously or unconsciously co-creating with every thought, belief and perception that passes through our mind. What we…
Understanding Synchronicity: 6 Tips For Learning How to Recognize When the Universe is Sending You a Message
HJ: When you really begin to ponder the incredible amount of alignment that needs to take place in order for a synchronicity to occur, it becomes undeniable that there are some larger forces…
The Science of Time Perception: How to Slow Your Life Down and Keep Time From Flying By
HJ: Does it ever feel like the older you get, the faster time seems to pass by? You’re not alone. Take heart, however, as this is also something that is not entirely out…
Why Some People Manifest Effortlessly and Others Don’t
HJ: First, let us be clear — everyone has the power to manifest effortlessly. The ability to manifest your dreams and desires is not some inborn talent that only a few lucky people…
The Holographic Nature of the Universe: Understanding How Reality Works
HJ: What we experience as day to day reality is not what it seems to be at first glance. Our ideas about the world and our place in it are culturally and socially…
The 8 Levels of Human Consciousness: Where Are You on the Path of Development?
HJ: The 8 levels of human consciousness presented below are a framework one can use in order to understand where they may be in terms of the development of conscious awareness. No level…