Occupy Wall Street

China Factory Unrest Flares as Global Economy Slows

James Pomfret, Reuters, 11-25-2011 http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/11/25/us-china-factory-strikes-idUSTRE7AO04C20111125 DONGGUAN, China – In factory towns across China’s export powerhouse in the Pearl River Delta, a vicious cycle of slowing orders from the West and increasing wage pressures…

Colombians Protest at FARC Executions, Call for Peace

Helen Murphy, Reuters, 12-6-2011 http://news.yahoo.com/colombians-protest-farc-executions-call-peace-182229366.html BOGOTA (Reuters) – Outraged by the execution of four captives by FARC rebels, tens of thousands of Colombians protested across the nation on Tuesday to demand an end…

wall street grows

CBS 60 Minutes, 12-4-11: Prosecuting Wall Street

CBS 60 Minutes, 12-4-11: Prosecuting Wall Street December 4, cbsnews.com http://bit.ly/vV4zDS Two high-ranking financial whistleblowers say they tried to warn their superiors about defective and even fraudulent mortgages. So why haven’t the companies or…

‘Occupy Our Homes’ Protesters Highlight Foreclosures Nationwide

Posted: 12/ 6/11 07:19 AM ET http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/12/06/occupy-our-homes-foreclosures_n_1130375.html Bobby Hull is scheduled to be evicted from his Minneapolis house in February, but he won’t leave without a fuss. He’s invited 100 people from the…

berkley protests

Arundhati Roy: “The People Who Created the Crisis Will Not Be the Ones That Come Up With a Solution”

Arun Gupta, guardian.co.uk, 11-30-11 http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/nov/30/arundhati-roy-interview The prize-winning author of The God of Small Things talks about why she is drawn to the Occupy movement and the need to reclaim language and meaning. Sitting…

deepak chopra occupy los angeles

Deepak Chopra: Occupy Together is Unstoppable. We Are the 100%

“This movement in Unstoppable!” Deepak shares ideas and inspiration with Occupy LA on the eve of Thanksgiving, Thanking occupiers, and invoking the spirit of 100% – Occupy Yourself, this is LOVE IN ACTION.

occupy oakland demonstrations

Brianna Lee: Occupy Movement at a Crossroads as Evictions Spread

By Brianna Lee, The Daily Need, November 16, 2011 http://www.pbs.org/wnet/need-to-know/the-daily-need/occupy-movement-at-a-crossroads-as-evictions-spread/12364/ Occupy Wall Street protesters were still in Zuccotti Park Wednesday morning, but without their tents after Police removed them during a raid on Tuesday. In…

Occupy Los Angeles Vows to Stay Despite Mayor’s Deadline

NEW YORK | Sunday, November 27th, 2011 8:48am EDT By Katerina Sazonova http://www.theblogismine.com/2011/11/27/occupy-los-angeles-vows-to-stay-despite-mayors-deadline/ Despite a fast-approaching deadline set by the mayor and police chief, very few of the anti-Wall Street protesters from Occupy…

Yemen President Steps Down From Power After 33 Years

Yemen president quits after deal in Saudi Arabia Agreement for immediate transfer of power pledges immunity for Ali Abdullah Saleh and family. Tom Finn in Sana’a guardian.co.uk, Wednesday 23 November 2011 11.51 EST Marchers protest…


Foreclosed Homeowners Re-Occupy Their Homes

by Zaineb Mohammed, Common Dreams, Nov. 25, 2011 http://www.commondreams.org/headline/2011/11/25-1 SAN FRANCISCO – Carolyn Gage was evicted from her foreclosed home in January. Earlier this month, she moved back in. “I’ve been in here…

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