How Meditation and Visualization Work at the Sub-Atomic Level of Matter
HJ: Our thoughts have electromagnetic energy that affects matter at the sub-atomic level, causing changes and magnifying the intention and emotion with which they are sent out into the universe. This is the…

How to Release Your Fears With Qigong Meditation
HJ: Mark my words, Qi Gong in all its forms will see a resurgence here in the West as we collectively begin to explore further into our own innate spiritual nature. As a society, we…

26 Powerful Mantras for Deep Healing and Personal Transformation
HJ: Mantras have many modes of action in the mind-body-spirit triad. On a mental level, they work as affirmations of ones own higher consciousness and divinity, which can work to replace limiting beliefs…

Increasing Brain Function and Neural Activity With Powerful Ancient Hand Gestures
The first variant of Pushan Mudra activates the digestion and elimination. The variant depicted here activates the energy in the pelvic region (root chakra) and directs it upwards. Pushan mudra improves the concentration,…

How to Work With Life Force Energy (Chi) for Greater Health, Happiness and Awareness
HJ: Nearly all traditional cultures recognize the concept of ‘Chi’ or ‘life force energy’, although they may use differing terminology to describe it. Many in the West are familiar with the concept of…

How to Overcome the 7 Biggest Roadblocks to Achieving Your Dreams
HJ: In some way, we all dream of a better life for ourselves. As the only constant in life is change, it is only natural that we would want to do so in…