The Power of Sound and How to Use it to Create Positive Results in Your Life
HJ: Sound has an incredible ability to heal and alter consciousness. Typically we experience sound in our lives as music, ambient noise or verbally as language. While these types of sound can and…

Ayurvedic Sound Medicine: A Simple Five-Step Practice to Quiet the Mind
HJ: There is nothing quite like the healing power of sound that we produce from within — from our own vocal cords. These frequencies carry an energetic signature that is uniquely tailored to…

The Path to Peace of Mind: Removing the Barriers to Experiencing Your True Nature
HJ: In this profound, eloquent excerpt, Peter Russell beautifully explains the concept of attachment and it’s role in our self created struggle and suffering. This struggle and suffering is reinforced on a large…

A Simple Guide to Effortless Meditation
HJ: If you have ever ‘struggled’ with meditation, this article will help you learn how to effortlessly tune into your true nature. We are often given guidelines on how to meditate that are…

How to Use Affirmations to Create the Life of Your Dreams
HJ: Mastering the mind and all its faculties and expressions is one of the main lessons we must learn on the journey towards self-realization. The mind can work ‘for us’, ‘against us’ or…

Understanding and Working With Pranayama: The Ancient Science of Breathing
HJ: Prana is the energy of life — we extract it from the air we breath and it nourishes and fuels our body, mind and spirit as it is expressed on the physical…

How to Release Attachments and End Suffering
HJ: I recently attended a talk given by Don Miguel Ruiz, author of the Four Agreements. He and his son spoke about the nature of existence, the self and the 5 levels of…

Taoist Hand Gesture (Mudra) to Unlock Intuitive Powers and Remedy Depression
Tse Mudra – remedy for depression and a key to unlock intuitive powers Tse Mudra is practiced and recommended by Taoist monks. It is also called as exercise of three secrets. This mudra…