Developing Your Heart Consciousness: A Seven Step Meditation For Joy, Peace and Awareness
HJ: In our modern culture, we have become heavily focused on the mind as the supreme source of intelligence and inspiration. We have come to rely on rationale and logic as our primary…

How to Train Your Mind to Produce Lifelong Health and Wellbeing
HJ: Most people believe health begins in the body, and certainly there is a bodily component to health, however, the power of the mind to produce health and wellbeing always supersedes any physical efforts. Some of…

How To Train Your Mind to Achieve the Impossible
HJ: A fundamental misperception that afflicts the vast majority of people on the planet at this time is the belief that life happens to us and it is simply our job to survive…

3 Powerful Breathing Meditations for Opening and Healing Your Heart
HJ: The combination of breath and meditation produces a powerful healing response in the body and with conscious focus, we can direct these energies to the heart center. We have a tendency to stay…

How to Balance Your Nervous System and Quiet the Mind with Spinal Breathing
HJ: Long ago, the ancient yogis, rishis and seers of India realized that consciousness, the mind and the body could be controlled and directed through the manipulation of breath. They termed this science…

Consciously Creating Your Life: The Keys to Making the Law of Attraction Work For You
HJ: The universe will bring to you what you focus on and resonate with — it’s that simple. It works, every time, without fail — however, and this is key, is that it…

The Mystery of Spiritual Awakening: Understanding the The Causes of Higher States of Consciousness
HJ: I suspect most people who regularly visit the Healers Journal have either experienced a spiritual awakening leading to higher states of consciousness or are in the midst of doing so. After all,…

Why Some People Manifest Effortlessly and Others Don’t
HJ: First, let us be clear — everyone has the power to manifest effortlessly. The ability to manifest your dreams and desires is not some inborn talent that only a few lucky people…

Does Your Mind Wander During Meditation? How to Stop Fighting it and Instead Use it to Enhance Your Focus
HJ: Focus is one of the primary keys to being successful at whatever it is you are doing or pursuing. A wandering mind, although perfectly normal and useful for creative purposes, can derail…