3 Simple Mindfulness Meditations That Will Transform Your Outlook on Life
HJ: Staying centered and present in the moment is quite an easy task. The challenge lies in unlearning a lifetime of conditioning that keeps us locked into thinking about the past and future….

7 Simple, Powerful Practices For Cultivating a Greater Connection to Your Spirit
HJ: Like planting seeds in a garden, the cultivation of our spirituality will allow us to reap a rich harvest in the form of a fulfilling, meaningful life. If you are experiencing struggle,…

Are You Limiting Yourself With Expectations?
HJ: Learning to let go of expectations is a process that leads to greater happiness, peace and opportunity. Expectations tend to cut us off from experiencing the true essence of a situation because…

The True Essence of Creating Through Manifestation
HJ: In this clarifying essay by Neale Donlad Walsch, we are given insight into to common misconceptions regarding the act of creating through manifestation. Let me make a point here: creating through manifestation…

The True Nature of Freedom
HJ: The illusion is the struggle with forces outside the self. What is outside the self is but a reflection of the true self. Chasing reflections will leave you tired and frustrated. One…

Are You Giving Away Your Power?
HJ: The fact is that most people live their entire lives unconsciously giving their power away. It is the rule rather than the exception and it is a tendency based in fear. Fear of our own…