Manifestation Techniques

How to Create True Prosperity in Your Life No Matter What The Economy is Doing

HJ: First and foremost, prosperity is a mindset.  The biggest stumbling block for most people is continually searching outside themselves for prosperity.  In this situation, one is constantly at the behest of external…


The Metaphysics of Money: How Your Mind and Spirit Control the Flow of Wealth in Your Life

HJ: Money is one of the big three — the other two being sex and religion — which engender the fiercest and most distorted reactions out of any subjects in the realm of human experience….


Are You Focusing on ‘What is Wrong’ or ‘What is Right’ With Your Life?

By Truth | The Healers Journal — One of the biggest challenges I see people facing that keeps them from expressing their full potential and manifesting what they truly desire is constantly focusing on ‘what…


Why Do Things Become More Difficult The Harder You Try? The Law of Reverse Effect

HJ: Struggle is not necessary.  Suffering is optional.  Choose ease.  These wise words can all be used to summarize the Law of Reverse Effect, which is an important but little-known universal law.  The…


What ‘The Secret’ Failed to Tell You About the Law of Attraction

HJ: The Law of Attraction is at once the most widely known and simultaneously misunderstood of the universal laws, thanks (in large part) to the surprise hit documentary ‘The Secret’.  While The Secret…


The Yoga of Money: How to Apply Your Spiritual Mastery to Cultivate Greater Abundance in Your Life

HJ: Spirituality and money are not mutually exclusive.  In fact, they go hand in hand as money is a natural expression of the abundance that is inherent in this universe.  Money is simply…


Are You in The Comfort Zone Trap? How to Keep Growing and Avoid Becoming Stagnant

HJ: Reliance on the external illusion of comfort and safety are the biggest enemies to growth and development.  You can absolutely have comfort and safety in your life while you grow and learn,…


May 2013 Energy Forecast: Growing Your Manifestations

HJ: The time it takes for your thoughts to manifest into physical form is rapidly decreasing — known as the time to manifestation, this is the delay between the inception of a thought…


Are You Confusing the Universe With Your Attempts to Manifest?

HJ: You can overuse affirmations — when you repeatedly use affirmations in an attempt to manifest, you are signaling the universe that you lack that very thing in your life.  Therefore, according to…


How Manifestation Works at a Core Level: How to Use Your Higher Spiritual Abilities to Create What You Need

HJ: Manifestation is an artform and one that requires the lens of perception to turn inward rather than outward.  A true manifestation happens in perfect divine timing, meaning that the demands and constraints…

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