How to Properly Harness the Power of Gratitude For Improving Your Life
HJ: The power of gratitude cannot be overstated. Quite simply, it attracts to you that which you value and love. This wonderful article by the wise Steve Pavlina will help you better understand…

What Truly Successful People Do That the Rest of Us Don’t
HJ: There is a formula for success that all truly successful people tap into whether they are conscious of it or not. If you are not experiencing the success you desire for yourself,…

Creating Abundance is Your Birthright: How to Free Yourself From The Belief in Scarcity and Competition
HJ: Creating abundance is your sacred birthright. Scarcity and competition do not actually exist in nature, we have simply projected our perceptions and ideas on to the natural world and assumed we are…

What Your Dreams Are Trying to Tell You About Your Future Self
HJ: Everyday, you make thousands upon thousands of choices. Almost every moment of your life you are making subtle but profound choices, all of which cumulatively combine to determine the course of your…

The Four Essential Traits You Need To Become a Successful Manifestor
HJ: This is, without a doubt, one of the most powerful articles for anyone who wants to begin tapping into the power of manifestation successfully. Quite simply, the traits listed below perfectly sum…

How to Rewire Your Subconscious Mind: Powerful Self-Hypnosis Techniques to Shape Your Thoughts
HJ: In this article you will be given an understanding of the incredible power of rewiring your subconscious mind and five specific techniques to effectively begin doing it at your own convenience through…

Understanding How Your Thoughts Create Your Reality Through The Power of Active Consciousness
HJ: There is quite a bit of confusion about how your thoughts create your reality. Despite the fact that this is constantly occurring whether or not one can perceive it or recognize it, there is…

How Your Thoughts Powerfully Shape Your Brain
HJ: In the process of understanding how your thoughts shape your brain, one often finds themselves at the conclusion that negative thoughts are bad and to be avoided at all costs. And while…

35 Powerful Affirmations to Reprogram Your Mind For Health, Happiness, and Abundance
HJ: Depending on who you ask, affirmations are either life changing or simply don’t work. Why the major discrepancy? I’ll tell you and at the same time show you how to make sure…

How to Manifest a Job That Matches Your Level of Consciousness (and Make Peace With Your Current One That Doesn’t)
HJ: It’s a common scenario — you have been doing the inner work, raising your consciousness, evolving your awareness and reaping the incredible benefits. You are a changed person and seeing yourself and…