
Hydrilla Verticillata Health Benefits: The Worlds Most Nutrient Dense Superfood?

Order Lotus Superfoods Hydrilla Powder From the Healers Store: Hydrilla Verticillata World’s Most Concentrated Source of Calcium & Vitamin B-12 Exceptionally Rich in Minerals, Vitamins, Antioxidants, Chlorophyll, Protein, & Essential Fatty Acids Complete…

Polyrachis Ant: Incredibly Powerful Chinese Super Herb

By Brandon Gilbert http://hyperionherbs.com/the-benefits-of-polyrachis-ant/ Important Qualities About Polyrachis Ant The #1 Source of Bio-Available Zinc Balancing and Tonifying To The Immune System Classically Revered As An Elite Sex Tonic For Men and Women…

ayurvedic herbs

Boost Your Energy Naturally With These ‘Super’ Herbs

by Jonathan Benson, staff writer  http://bit.ly/JgNEO9 (NaturalNews) If you are one of the millions of Americans that struggles daily with lack of energy or chronic fatigue, then you are likely very familiar with…

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Incredible Nutritional Chart Outlining Nutrient Content of Nearly Every Food on Earth

Vitamins are organic food substances found only in living things, i.e. plants and animals. They are essential for our bodies to function properly, for growth, energy and for our general well-being. With very…

ayurvedic herbs

Chinese Herbs Prevent Hair Loss & Stimulate Natural Hair Restoration Without the Need for Baldness Drugs

by JB Bardot  http://bit.ly/JBMHMq (NaturalNews) Chinese herbs have been used for centuries on their own and in conjunction with other alternative therapies such as acupuncture, acupressure and Ayurveda to prevent hair loss, re-grow…

ayurvedic herbs

Use These 5 Powerful Herbs to Boost Your Immune System

by PF Louis  http://www.naturalnews.com/035810_herbs_immune_system_garlic.html (NaturalNews) It’s good to know more about simple herbs to protect us against infections as well as cure us from infections and disease. Some herbs can be consumed directly;…

pinnacle of fractal light

Activating & Healing the Pineal Gland: Seat of Consciousness

Pineal Gland Mystique by Dherbs http://dherbs.com/articles/pineal-gland-331.html The pineal gland is a cone-shaped structure in the center of the brain, situated between the superior colliculi, the pulvinar, and the splenium of the corpus callosum….

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The Top 5 Herbs & Supplements For Lucid Dreaming

http://dreamstudies.org/the-truth-about-lucid-dreaming-supplements/ Posted by Ryan Hurd on October 23, 2008 The latest trend in lucid dreaming is the prescribed use of supplements to increase dream recall and trigger more dreams where you become aware you are…


Detoxify Heavy Metals and Soothe Chronic Inflammation With Cilantro, A Powerful ‘Superherb’

by Jonathan Benson, staff writer  http://www.naturalnews.com/035741_heavy_metals_cilantro_detox.html (NaturalNews) The anti-inflammatory and detoxification power of cilantro, a medicinal herb whose seeds are known as coriander, is greatly underrated and largely unknown in Western culture today….

ayurvedic herbs

Six Natural Remedies For Acid Reflux

by PF Louis  http://www.naturalnews.com/035720_acid_reflux_natural_remedies_heartburn.html (NaturalNews) Acid reflux, commonly called heartburn, is caused when digestive acids flow up from the stomach and into the esophagus. The esophagus, located in the heart region of the…

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