Researchers Finally Prove How Your Thoughts and Beliefs Change Your Genes
HJ: The ability of thoughts and beliefs to change your genes has recently gained credibility in the eyes of science as researchers begin to more deeply understand the relationship between the mind and…

How to Optimize Your Health By Understanding the Medicinal Properties of the Food You Eat
HJ: In order to optimize your health, you simply need to learn how to classify the foods you eat according to their properties and taste. This is actually incredibly simple and the article…

How Your Hormones Interact With Your Chakra System
HJ: Understanding how your hormones interact with your chakra system will give you deeper insight into the complex relationship between the mind body and spirit and allow you to heal yourself at deeper levels. Many…

How I Healed and Strengthened My DNA: An Introduction to the Regenetics Method
HJ: There are few subjects which are simultaneously so fascinating and mysterious as the function and purpose of our DNA. As science continues to break new ground in this area, we are collectively…

How Fasting Supercharges Your Brain
HJ: Fasting has remarkable effects on the brain. Beyond this, fasting also has profound effects on the body and spirit — in every sense, a true tonic for the mind body spirit triad….

Highly Nutritious and Medicinal Edible Plants That Will Supercharge Your Health
HJ: The list below encompasses some of the most powerful, medicinal and nutritious edible plants on the planet at this time. As they are medicines, they should be used with care. The plants…

15 Ways to Remove Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals From Your Kitchen
HJ: Endocrine disrupting chemicals — meaning substances that disrupt your bodys hormonal system — are hidden in many kitchen utensils and foods, which you may be unknowingly using and consuming. While the amounts in one serving of certain…

7 Mind Blowing Facts That Prove Just How Amazing the Human Body Really Is
HJ: The human body is one of the most complex and incredible mysteries that exist, period. It’s every purpose is to respond as faithfully as possible to our thoughts and the commands of…

10 Simple, But Powerful Habits That Will Take Your Health to the Next Level
HJ: So you’ve stopped eating processed food, switched to organics, cut out GMO’s and you’re feeling pretty good. But now what? These 10 simple, but powerful health habits will help you take your…