Aloe Vera Helps Reverse Cancer and AIDS
http://www.naturalnews.com/034738_aloe_vera_cancer_AIDS.html by PF Louis (NaturalNews) One of the best kept secrets in the nutritional field is aloe vera. Commonly recognized for soothing ulcers, hemorrhoids, sunburns, wounds and other skin ailments, many don’t know…

The Wisdom of Illness: A Conversation With My Higher Self
By Susan Christhilf, On September 23, 2011 http://www.ishalerner.com/blog_6/?p=43 Years ago, when I began my work with flower essences, I was introduced to a whole new way of looking at health and healing. Far from…

How to Correctly Interpret the Clinical Symptoms of Your Light Body Process
By Dr. Georgi Stankov, MD http://www.stankovuniversallaw.com/breaking-astral-news/howtointerpretcorrectlytheclinicalsymptomsofyourlightbodyprocess The information given in this article is based on my personal experience with the Light Body Process (LBP), since I entered the last and most intensive phase in…