Use These 5 Powerful Herbs to Boost Your Immune System
by PF Louis http://www.naturalnews.com/035810_herbs_immune_system_garlic.html (NaturalNews) It’s good to know more about simple herbs to protect us against infections as well as cure us from infections and disease. Some herbs can be consumed directly;…

A Vegan Diet Offers Relief From Inflammatory Disease and Reduces Heart Disease Risk
by Raw Michelle http://www.naturalnews.com/035797_vegan_diet_inflammation_heart_disease.html (NaturalNews) The claims of the anti-inflammatory properties of various berries and dark leafy greens have been purported for decades, but the main cause of an ever-increasing list of chronic…

Cosmic Awareness Guide to Fasting: Rapidly Cleanse and Heal the Body, Mind, and Spirit
Cosmic Awareness via Will Berlinghoff http://www.cosmicawareness.org Cosmic Awareness outlines a simple but powerful fasting protocol and explains the science and theory behind this ancient method of healing via the body’s innate wisdom. Fasting…

Activating & Healing the Pineal Gland: Seat of Consciousness
Pineal Gland Mystique by Dherbs http://dherbs.com/articles/pineal-gland-331.html The pineal gland is a cone-shaped structure in the center of the brain, situated between the superior colliculi, the pulvinar, and the splenium of the corpus callosum….

The Top 5 Herbs & Supplements For Lucid Dreaming
http://dreamstudies.org/the-truth-about-lucid-dreaming-supplements/ Posted by Ryan Hurd on October 23, 2008 The latest trend in lucid dreaming is the prescribed use of supplements to increase dream recall and trigger more dreams where you become aware you are…

Powerful Ancient Breathing Exercise to Open the Third Eye and Activate the Pineal
By Solara An-Ra http://www.solara.org.uk/meditation.aspx?element=303 Councils of Light “Close your eyes wherever you may be on your blessed earth plane. Close your eyes and move silently through the invocations, using them inwardly now, inwardly…

GMO Alert: Top 10 Genetically Modified Foods to Avoid Eating
[Healers Journal Note: The article below is in reference to non-organic foods only. Organic foods cannot be GM/GMO by law. The following foods, if organic, are free from GMO’s and can be eaten…

Six Natural Remedies For Acid Reflux
by PF Louis http://www.naturalnews.com/035720_acid_reflux_natural_remedies_heartburn.html (NaturalNews) Acid reflux, commonly called heartburn, is caused when digestive acids flow up from the stomach and into the esophagus. The esophagus, located in the heart region of the…

Ashwagandha: The Incredible Indian Healing Herb
http://bit.ly/8hqJLN Ashwagandha, one of the most vital herbs in Ayurvedic healing, has been used since ancient times for a wide variety of conditions, but is most well known for its restorative benefits. In…