Medicinal Herb Ginger Helps Protect Against the Effect of Chemical Parabens
by Celeste M. Smucker, MPH, PhD http://bit.ly/MenXMa (NaturalNews) Traditional healers often use ginger to treat ailments ranging from nausea to arthritis pain. Recent studies highlight another use for ginger, the amelioration of the…

Stanislav Graf: Holotropic Research and Archetypal Astrology
http://www.stanislavgrof.com/pdf/05_Archai_Grof_Holotropic_Research.pdf By Stanislav Grof In the concluding article in this section, Stanislav Grof addresses the interface between transpersonal psychology and the astrological perspective, describing his collaboration with Richard Tarnas and the connections they…

The Schumann Resonance: Earth’s Powerful Natural Vibration
http://www.earthbreathing.co.uk/sr.htm by Ingrid P. Dickenson, BRCP EMR The Discovery of Schumann Resonance It has come to my attention that various companies are using my research to sell their products, claiming they emit the Schumann…

Hydrilla Verticillata Health Benefits: The Worlds Most Nutrient Dense Superfood?
Order Lotus Superfoods Hydrilla Powder From the Healers Store: Hydrilla Verticillata World’s Most Concentrated Source of Calcium & Vitamin B-12 Exceptionally Rich in Minerals, Vitamins, Antioxidants, Chlorophyll, Protein, & Essential Fatty Acids Complete…

Polyrachis Ant: Incredibly Powerful Chinese Super Herb
By Brandon Gilbert http://hyperionherbs.com/the-benefits-of-polyrachis-ant/ Important Qualities About Polyrachis Ant The #1 Source of Bio-Available Zinc Balancing and Tonifying To The Immune System Classically Revered As An Elite Sex Tonic For Men and Women…

Boost Your Energy Naturally With These ‘Super’ Herbs
by Jonathan Benson, staff writer http://bit.ly/JgNEO9 (NaturalNews) If you are one of the millions of Americans that struggles daily with lack of energy or chronic fatigue, then you are likely very familiar with…

Magnetic Therapy Could Mean the End of Dangerous Antidepressants
Magnetic therapy could mean the end of dangerous antidepressants http://bit.ly/KbUjU2 by D Holt (NaturalNews) Depression has long been treated by dangerous drugs that often give the patient side effects worse than the condition….

The Powerful Healing Properties of Spirit Quartz
[Healers Journal Note: I have personally worked with Spirit Quartz for a number of years and can attest to their immense, powerful ability to transform consciousness, open chakras, remove energetic blocks, assist manifestation,…

Incredible Nutritional Chart Outlining Nutrient Content of Nearly Every Food on Earth
Vitamins are organic food substances found only in living things, i.e. plants and animals. They are essential for our bodies to function properly, for growth, energy and for our general well-being. With very…

Chinese Herbs Prevent Hair Loss & Stimulate Natural Hair Restoration Without the Need for Baldness Drugs
by JB Bardot http://bit.ly/JBMHMq (NaturalNews) Chinese herbs have been used for centuries on their own and in conjunction with other alternative therapies such as acupuncture, acupressure and Ayurveda to prevent hair loss, re-grow…