Eight Weeks of Mindfulness Meditation Can Rewire the Brain and Control Depression Symptoms
by J. D. Heyes Natural News (NaturalNews) Is it possible to sort of “rewire” your brain so you can better control imposing symptoms of depression and angst? The short answer, according to recent…

EWG’s 2012 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce™
Environmental Working Group Eat your fruits and vegetables! The health benefits of a diet rich in fruits and vegetables outweigh the risks of pesticide exposure. Use EWG’s Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides™ to reduce your…

Traditional African Healing Method
By Lori Robinson African Healing AfricaInside.org Do what the Bushmen in Africa have done for years. This method of obtaining optimal health is so simple you may discard the idea at first. But don’t, because…

Rekindle a Zest for Life With Adrenal Health
by Carolanne Wright Natural News (NaturalNews) A silent and little known epidemic is causing fatigue, weight-gain, and chronic illness in fast-paced America. This pervasive syndrome is linked with two small glands known as…

The Amazing Healing Properties of Aloe Vera
ALOE GOES BEYOND THE BURN By Melaina Juntti Wellness Times Chances are you’ve slathered a cooling aloe vera gel over a searing sunburn. Perhaps you’ve even cracked open an aloe plant leaf and…

Pumpkin Seeds: An Everyday Superfood
Nutrition and You Pumpkin seeds nutrition facts Pumpkin seeds are edible kernels of pumpkin fruit. The seeds, in-fact, are concentrated source of numerous health benefiting minerals, vitamins and anti-oxidants. Pumpkin fruit, native to Mexico, is…

Astaxanthin One of the Most Neuroprotective Supplements Yet Discovered
Astaxanthin one of the most neuroprotective supplements yet discovered; fat-soluble carotenoids protect the nervous system, brain and eyes Natural News by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor (NaturalNews) Over the past several…

Evening Primrose Oil: The King’s Cure-All
Evening primrose oil: The king’s cure-all by Craig Stellpflug Natural News (NaturalNews) Evening primrose oil (EPO) comes from the seed of the evening primrose plant and is great for skin disorders such as…

GMO Labeling Victory! Measure Accepted Onto California Ballot; Now the Real Battle Begins
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor http://www.naturalnews.com/036160_GMO_labeling_California_ballot_measure.html (NaturalNews) In this breaking news for the food-conscious community, the California Secretary of State has just announced that the GMO labeling ballot measure has…

Human Resilience Starts With Nutrition
by Dr. Phil Domenico http://www.naturalnews.com/036161_nutrition_resilience_glutathione.html (NaturalNews) When it comes to resilience, many experts are blind to the role of nutrition. In June of 2012, the World Science Festival in New York City hosted…