How to Eat Healthy and Organic While Saving Money
HJ: Despite their reputation as being very expensive, Whole Foods actually has some incredible prices on many things, often times much lower than similar items at conventional grocery stores. Look for Whole Foods…

Produce Stickers Decoded: How to Tell if Your Produce is Genetically Modified
HJ: As of this writing, the method described in this article is the only way to know if your produce is Genetically Modified. If prop 37 passes in California, we could see a…

Cleanse Your Body and Mind of Toxic Thoughts and People
HJ: With major portal dates on the horizon, now is a better time than ever to cut those habits and people from our lives which no longer serve our highest good. This can…

A Guide to the Best Cooking Oils for Health
HJ: Of the oils listed here, Olive, Avocado and especially Macadamia nut oil also have the best Omega 6 : Omega 3 ratio, which is also an important characteristic of oils for health….

The Many Benefits of Mindful Eating
HJ: Mindful eating, which can take many forms, can have a major impact on your health and quality of life. By slowing down and centering oneself before and during a meal, we connect…

The Many Problems of Wheat and Why You Should Avoid It
HJ: Awareness of gluten intolerance (aka Celiac’s Disease) has become quite widespread in the last few years, however, what many people do not realize is that even though they do not have Celiac’s,…

Rosemary Protects DNA; Boosts Memory and General Health
HJ: Not just a delicious herb, Rosemary is also a potent plant medicine with incredible healing properties. In fact, almost all herbs are incredibly potent sources of nutrients and have amazing medicinal properties….

The Digestive System Explained: The Key to Radiant Health
HJ: Point in case, the digestive system is at the center of your health. Nearly every disease or illness results from imbalances in diet, which lead to imbalances in the digestive system. If…

Dr. Joshua David Stone: The 40 Golden Keys to Becoming Financially Wealthy (Part 3 of 3)
The 40 Golden Keys to Becoming Financially Wealthy (Part 3 of 3) By Dr Joshua David Stone I AM University Law 32: The next law of prosperity is tithing. This is the law of…