Latest ‘Anti-Organic Study’ Funded by Agro-Tech Giant Cargill and Others
Agricultural giant Cargill and others behind anti-organic ‘Stanford Study’ by Jonathan Benson, staff writer NaturalNews (NaturalNews) The corporate media machine has once again done the people of the world a great disservice by…

Stem Cells May Hold the Cure for Deafness, New Study Shows
From Coding in My Sleep It’s been estimated that there are about 28 million people in the U.S. suffering from hearing problems, and as many as 1 in a thousand are born profoundly…

Possible Paralysis Treatment Discovered at UCSD
HJ: There are some incredible advances being made with stem cells lately. Could this truly be the holy grail of medicine? I suppose its only appropriate that it’s so highly controversial. It seems…

The Surprising Truth About Nutritional Deficiencies
Micronutrient deficiencies can cause DNA damage by Helmut Beierbeck Natural News (NaturalNews) All of us, identical twins excepted, are genetically unique. Of course, everyone’s genes encode all the proteins needed for life, but…

Is Alzheimer’s Really Just ‘Type 3’ Diabetes? New Study Shows Diet Implicated in the Disease
HJ: These findings do not surprise me in the least. Modern science is just now catching up with what ancient medicine systems (Ayurveda, Chinese Medicine, etc.) have always known– all disease originates in…

New Study Shows the Mind Can Be Programmed During Sleep
Humans can learn new information during sleep Nature Paper Abstract: During sleep, humans can strengthen previously acquired memories, but whether they can acquire entirely new information remains unknown. The nonverbal nature of the olfactory…

Study Reveals New Findings on Veganism, Health, and Nutrition
Life-long vegans show no sign of anticipated deficiencies by Raw Michelle Natural News (Natural News) A study of the bone health of long term vegan women showed density that surprised many western physicians….

Breakthrough Study Overturns Theory of ‘Junk DNA’
Breakthrough Study Overturns Theory of ‘Junk DNA’ The international Encode project has found that about a fifth of the human genome regulates the 2% that makes proteins By Alok Jha, science correspondent, The…

Cosmic Awareness: Healing With Programmed Water
HEALING WITH PROGRAMMED WATER Some of the New Technology Available Soon Cosmic Awareness via Will Berlinghoff Cosmic Awareness QUESTIONER: Yes indeed, thank you so much for that information. It was very, very informative….

Mainstream Doctors Finally Recognize the Incredible Properties of Aloe
Medical science embraces the healing power of aloe vera by Brad Chase Natural News (NaturalNews) Aloe vera has been used as a healing agent for centuries. As far back as the days of…