How to Quickly Calm a Restless, Racing Mind
HJ: Sometimes it feels like our mind has a life and mind of its own and has no interest in calming down and playing by our rules despite out best intentions and efforts…

How to Tell if Your Chakras Are Out of Balance
HJ: Our mental, emotional and physical state all affect the health and balance of chakras (and vice versa). And fixing one aspect will see a reflection in the other. One of the greatest…

5 Sacred Tibetan Yoga Poses to Balance Your Mind and Body
HJ: This is a very interesting series of yoga poses designed to balance your mind and body based on ancient, sacred Tibetan teachings. To those who regularly practice yoga it might seem a bit…

A Complete Guide to Healing Your Mind, Body and Spirit With Crystals
HJ: The minerals that makeup crystals are literally stardust transformed over timescales unimaginable to the human mind. As such, they have some pretty remarkable healing properties. There are literally thousands of different varieties,…

10 Simple but Powerful Ways to Connect More Deeply With Yourself and Nature
HJ: The more deeply we are able to connect to ourselves, the more deeply we can connect to others and the world around us. The foundation of a truly happy and fulfilled life…

12 Sacred Herbs to Boost Your Energy, Vitality and Adaptability
HJ: For thousands of years spiritually advanced cultures worldwide relied on the power of sacred herbs to help them heal and balance the body, mind and spirit. Today we are blessed to be…

15 Healing Herbs to Boost Your Thyroid Function and Balance Your Hormones
HJ: Nature’s infinite wisdom has provided a medicine for every ailment, a cure for every imbalance. Our hormonal systems are some of the most important in the body as hormones are the master…

How to Bring Your Mind, Body and Spirit into Balance and Harmony Using the Power of Mindfulness
HJ: He who controls the mind is a master of his world. Thoughts come and go like the wind and are naught but reflections of deeper levels of the self… our beliefs and…

How I Healed an Incurable Disease With the Power of Love
HJ: Disease, sickness, illness and suffering are no match for the power of love. In fact, from a deeply metaphysical point of view, disease is caused by the internal stifling of love we experience…

12 Spiritual Plants For Clearing Out Negative Energy and Bad Vibes
HJ: For thousands of years, shamans have been using plants to heal not just the body, but the mind and spirit as well. Negative energy, bad vibes, intense emotions and so on can…