
How to Work With Kundalini Energy – Part 1

HJ:  Anyone who has spent any time researching and studying Kundalini energy tends to become enamored with the quest to access and kindle it within themselves.  This elusive, mysterious life force seems to…


Eating Your Way to Health, Happiness and Wellbeing

HJ: I can tell you this with utmost certainty: there is no quicker way to health than the adoption of a diet of whole, organic, unrefined foods and there is no quicker way…


Understanding the Role of the Pineal Gland

HJ: Much has been written about the somewhat mysterious pineal gland and its role in consciousness.  As the primary regulator of our sleep-wake cycles and circadian rhythms, as well as its direct link…


Taming the Subconscious: Taking Your Life Off Auto-Pilot

HJ: In this article, Dr. Dyer states that awareness is the first step in working with and healing the subconscious mind, and indeed this is so.  Until we become aware of the fact…


Trading Victimhood for Creatorship

HJ: This is such a wonderful and profound article by Neale, which manages to simplify a concept that many struggle with both consciously and unconsciously.  The fact is, taking responsibility for creating our…


Create Your Own Sound Healing With Chakra Seed Mantras

HJ: Each Chakra can be activated and cleansed with powerful Bija Mantra’s or ‘seed mantras’.  A mantra is a sacred sound or phrase that has specific transformative effects on the mind-body-spirit triad.  Simply…

Reishi: The Sacred Medicine of Kings

HJ: A little preface is due here.  Any recommendations for alternative medicines, foods and herbs you come across on the Healers Journal are the absolute pinnacle of what is available in the field of holistic,…


The Truth About Extra Sensory Perception

HJ: The simple truth about ESP is that it is not a special talent or some rare gift that only a few select souls are lucky enough to posses.  The fact is, we…


Yogic Secrets for Higher Health and Consciousness: Working With Mudras (Hand Gestures)

HJ: Mudras are ‘hand gestures’, which when held for a specified period of time (typically 5-20 minutes), can have profound transformative effects on health and consciousness.  They work by activating the various energy…


Techniques for Remembering Your Dreams

HJ: Our dreams hold many messages and clues for us in the waking state.  In the dream state our souls leave the physical body and travel through the astral realms into the 4th…

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