7 Keys to Staying Strong and Centered No Matter How Difficult Things Get in Your Life
HJ: You are never given anything you can’t handle… Because when all is said and done, you are creating the circumstances in your life. Either as a decision pre-birth at a soul level…

20 Powerful Ways to Clear and Protect Against Negative Energy
HJ: Often times you don’t ever realize you’ve been holding onto negative energy until you’ve cleared it. Then the difference you feel emotionally, mentally and spiritually is like night and day. It’s like…

The Art of Trusting Yourself: How to Tune Into Your Intuition and Inner Emotional Guidance
HJ: You know the truth by the way it feels. Trust your intuition, for it will never lead you astray. – Truth Trust Yourself – You Already Have All the Answers! By Nanice Ellis…

Healing From Within: How to Awaken Your Inner Healing Abilities
HJ: Everything you need to thrive is within you. Your health (mental, emotional, physical) is simply a reflection of your internal dynamics. Your thoughts, beliefs, perceptions, diet, etc. If you seek true healing…

The 5 Keys to Becoming Wildly Successful in Life
HJ: Success is not about luck, it’s about discipline. Anyone can become successful so long as they commit to doing whatever it takes. It is the constant upward spiral and refinement of ones…

5 Keys to a Spiritually Aware Relationship
HJ: Relationships can be a powerful tool for self growth. Our partners typically mirror our own projections, beliefs, emotional patterns and wounds and so by observing them and what they do that triggers…

A Simple But Powerful Mindfulness Practice for Rapidly Creating Happiness and Peace
HJ: There are few things as powerful as a daily mindfulness practice for creating lasting happiness and peace in your life. – Truth How to Really Practice Mindfulness By Tanaaz | Forever Conscious…

How to Heal Deep Emotional Wounds and Trauma So You Can Thrive
HJ: Healing is the path to reconnecting with your wholeness. To once again embodying who you truly are. To removing everything which is not you, but simply faulty perceptions of yourself, others, the…

Psycho-Spiritual Astrology: August 2015 Horoscope
August 2015 Horoscope – Astrological Psychology By Dr. Ron Holman | Discerning Wisdom — Written in Twilight Language which Incorporates Spelling & Other Grammatical Intentions Aries – 3/21 – 4/19 While you are feeling tired sometimes…

15 Powerful Ways to Overcome Negative Thinking and Start Creating a Positive Reality
HJ: Whatever you believe the world will reflect back to you because our minds filter incoming sensory data based on our beliefs. What does not fit our perceptual model of the world is…