How to Rewire Your Emotions With Simple Mindfulness Techniques
HJ: Your brain and emotions are dynamic — constantly changing and shaped by your experiences, your thoughts and your environment. Mindfulness is a way to control, and ultimately rewire your reactions to all…
23 Ways to Fall in Love With Your Life All Over Again (No Matter Where You Are At)
HJ: If you’ve ever felt like life is starting to feel like a grind, then it’s time to shake things up a bit. That may mean doing something way outside of your comfort…
6 Ways to Supercharge Your Willpower
HJ: There are two keys to rapid self growth — the first is a harmonious mindset and emotional state. The second is willpower, which translates to action. When combined, these two traits make…
How to Discover Your Emotional Body Type
HJ: Similar to how we all have unique body types, this pattern also extends to our emotional tendencies and can be a very useful tool for helping us better understand ourselves. When we…
5 Ways to Heal Past Emotional Wounds Through the Power of Forgiveness
HJ: As long as we blame other people, we give our power away to them. We let them control our happiness and peace of mind. However, when we take responsibility for the situation —…
How to Transform Your Pain into Strength and Wisdom
HJ: The greater the pain that you overcome, the greater the strength and wisdom that you develop as a result. Challenges and struggle catalyze our greatest growth. They put life in perspective and give…
Mastering Your Emotions: How to Train Yourself to Stay in the Flow in Any Situation
HJ: Humans, by their very nature, are emotional beings and it is here where their power lies. Those who can master their emotional states, have unlocked the key to lifelong happiness, joy, peace,…
6 Highly Effective Ways to Stop Anxious Thoughts and Feelings in their Tracks
HJ: By making a few simple tweaks to how you think and perceive events and circumstances in your life, you can quite effectively stop anxious thoughts and feelings in their tracks. After all, they…
How to Create Heart-Centered Prosperity and Abundance in Your Life
HJ: True abundance and prosperity comes from aligning yourself with the urges of your heart. Many who are financially rich are love and spirit poor, to be clear. Abundance is the natural state…
7 Powerful Ways to Amplify Your Intuitive Abilities
HJ: Intuition is the language of the soul, to which we have constant access should we desire. But unlike our spoken languages, we are not taught to communicate with ourselves in school. Some…