10 Ways to Transform Insecurity and Shame into Strength and Confidence
HJ: You are whole. You are infinite and your powerful beyond measure. If you are in an emotional state that is telling you anything less than this you are lying to yourself and knowing…

How to Experience the Wisdom, Good and Growth Hidden in Difficult Situations
HJ: The idea of right and wrong, good and bad are all just judgement calls on events and circumstances designed to help us grow and expand. Every single last one of them. –…

20 Keys to Letting Go and Trusting the Flow of Life
HJ: When you let go and trust the wisdom of life, you open yourself to the flow and the infinite ways that abundance, joy and effortlessness can work itself into your life. Mind…

How to Deal With Difficult Emotions and Stay Centered in Love and Harmony
Attachment, Ego and the Emotions By Rena Wells — Diving into the emotional realm does seem daunting. In all honesty not many of us truly understand what emotions are, and how could we? Even…

How to Majorly Shift Your Level of Happiness in Just 3 Days
HJ: From one moment to the next you can become an stay ecstatically happy. All it takes is a shift in perception and how you live your life… – Truth The 3-Day Happiness…

The Law of Manifestation: How to Turn Your Thoughts and Dreams into Reality
HJ: Manifestation is an art and like an art, it requires practice to master. Most people forget this fact. Furthermore, there is far more to it than just thinking positive thoughts and visualization….

Psycho-Spiritual Astrology: November 2015 Horoscope
November 2015 Horoscope – Astrological Psychology By Dr. Ron Holman | Discerning Wisdom — Written in Twilight Language which Incorporates Spelling & Other Grammatical Intentions Aries – 3/21 – 4/19 Celebrate, Celebrate, Celebrate Daily during this…

How to Access Your Soul Consciousness
HJ: Most people live from their mind… very few live from their soul consciousness, which is most in alignment with your true divine nature. – Truth Trusting Your Soul To Produce The Outcome…

5 Powerful Ways to Get Rid of Negative Thoughts and Enjoy Lasting Peace of Mind
HJ: The quality of your life is a reflection of the quality of your thoughts and so look not without but within to make your shifts. – Truth 5 Easy Ways to Uncomplicate…

How to Let Go of Expectations So You Can Experience Deep Peace and Joy in Every Moment
HJ: Let go of expectation and the beauty and wisdom of life comes pouring in to your experience, bringing with it great peace and joy… – Truth How Expectations Undermine Our Relationships and…