7 Powerful Habits That Guarantee Happiness and Success
HJ: Success and happiness are not random. They arise from specific habits and states of mind and being and you can pick these up as soon as you make a decision to do so….

How to Tap Into and Unleash Your Brilliant Authentic Self
HJ: You have greatness and brilliance within you waiting to get out and be shared with the world. – Truth How to Be Your Real Self and What’s Been Stopping You By Britt…

How to Navigate The Three Stages of Spiritual Awakening
HJ: Life is a never ending journey of awakening and growth. The sooner you realize this and begin embracing it, the more fun and flowing it becomes. This is because you are aligning…

How to Infuse Your Life With Greater Contentment and Peace
HJ: Imagine your life only better — more peaceful, with greater contentment and flow in everything you do. Today’s article is all about helping you get there and making the process itself mellow,…

Heart Consciousness: What You Need to Know About the Brain in Your Heart
HJ: After you read this article on heart consciousness, the old saying ‘Follow your heart…’ will start to seem less like a platitude and more like the profound wisdom that it really is….

4 Keys to a Calmer, Confident More Creative and Capable You
HJ: By simply making little shifts in how you approach your life, you can see big results in how much confidence, peace and creativity you experience in your everyday life. This is a great…

How to Transform Your Wounds and Struggles Into Wisdom and Strength
HJ: Life gives you whatever experience is most helpful for the growth and expansion of your consciousness. That’s a two way street. Some experiences are pleasurable, others are painful. But even the painful…

How to Tune Into Your Inner Truth
HJ: Your truth is uniquely you and it is your gift to the world (and yourself). In every sense, our only task in this life is to live it fully and wholeheartedly with joy…

How to Align Your Life With Divine Timing
HJ: There are four primary states of consciousness — believing that life happens: to me, by me, through me and as me. Each one one rung higher on the ladder of spiritual awareness….

Beyond Happiness: How to See the Wisdom in Negative Emotions
HJ: There is great wisdom in them thar’ negative emotions. But in all seriousness, ‘difficult’ emotions are the doorway to our most profound level of healing. They are the flower whose roots lead…