deep underground military base

The White Hats Update: Criminal Cabal Weakening

September 25, 2011 – WHITE HATS REPORT #29 Obama, Bush and the true, Sordid State of Our Cabal Controlled Union. It has been a little bit of time since we last posted an article. …

Obama White House to Respond to Disclosure Petition

Sometime late Sunday night (Septemebr 26th, 2011), a historic moment  in US politics quietly occurred drawing very little media attention.  Approximately a month ago, Whitehouse.gov launched a new section of their website entitled “We the…

white house disclosure

GOP Debate Evades ET Disclosure Issue, Now on Obama White House Website

by Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd None of the GOP candidates – Rick Perry, Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, Michelle Bachmann, Newt Gingrich, Herman Caine, Rick Santoro, John Huntsman, or Gary Johnson – in…

shuttle moon

NASA Announces No-Fly Zones on the Moon

Originally Posted by Sheikh Mostafa Dawood @ forbiddenarcheology.blogspot.com Feeling the pressure of mounting investigations launched by citizen activists concerning alien structures and artifacts on the Moon and Mars, the US National Aeronautics and Space…

mount fuji japan

Obama Authorizes Stationing of Japanese Troops on US Soil

By Benjamin Fulford US President Barack Obama signed an executive order allowing 2500 elite Japanese soldiers to be stationed on US soil, according to a Japanese military intelligence agent. The Japanese self-defense forces…


The Galactic Federation: Disclosure is Imminent; Preparedness is Key

The Galactic Federation via Wanderer of the Skies http://wandererodtheskies.blogspot.com/2011/09/september-18-2011.html Greetings from the Federation: We now deliver to you our preamble to the greatest event in human history. You are about to undergo those…

galactic federation flower

Galactic Federation of Light & Spiritual Hierarchy: Disclosure on the Horizon

Galactic Federation of Light via Sheldan Nidle Dratzo! We return! Your world continues in transition mode between the old and the first intimations of the new. Many on your world who are involved…

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THRIVE: What On Earth Will it Take? (Video)

THRIVE lifts the veil on what’s REALLY going on in our world by following the money upstream — uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives. Weaving together…

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The Pleiadian High Council: The Hardest Part of Ascension is Accepting That It’s Real

The The Pleiadian High Council via Wes Annac There is no doubt in our minds that the subtle disclosures you are experiencing with your media are to snowball into a full worldwide disclosure announcement….

monaco sunset

Secret Meeting of 57 Finance Ministers Off the Coast of Monaco

by Benjamin Fulford For the past week, a secret meeting of 57 finance ministers aimed at setting up a new international financial system took place in a large ship on international waters near…

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