Benjamin Fulford

Benjamin Fulford: Pentagon Informs Netanyahu There Will Be No Greater Khazarian Empire

HJ: If Ben hadn’t been the former editor of Forbes Asia, I would probably not post his material.  However, due to the impeccability of his credentials, I know that some/most of what he…


Benjamin Fulford: Summer Stalemate Continues But Lots Going on Under the Surface in Preparation for Autumn Regime Changes

HJ: According to both Fulford and Cobra, there are now potentially huge opportunities for change lining up for this fall.  Still a ways off, a lot could happen in the meantime.  With only…


Benjamin Fulford: Why the West is Now under Nazi Rule and Why the Elite are in Denial

By Benjamin Fulford July 31, 2012 A visit to Canada and long conversations with bankers, newspaper editors and others still living inside the “mainstream” story about world events has exposed a deliberate…


Benjamin Fulford: It is Time to Look at the Big Picture Again

By Benjamin Fulford, July 17, 2012 Benjamin Fulford When historical events are taking place, the daily rush of news event can fog the vision. We have entered such a time of fog now,…


Benjamin Fulford: Japanese Power Broker Ichiro Ozawa Ordered My Murder

By Benjamin Fulford, July 10, 2012 Benjamin Fulford The order to stab this writer with a poisoned needle was given by Japanese power broker Ichiro Ozawa and his North Korean faction, according to…


Benjamin Fulford: Has Revolt Started In America?

Also, Why The Moonies And Nazis Tried To Kill This Writer Last Week ~ 3 July 2012   By Benjamin Fulford The long expected hot summer of discontent in the US has started with…

benjamin fulford

Ben Fulford: It Has Become Impossible for the Cabal to Hide the Truth; They are Being Defeated

By Benjamin Fulford Last week the cabal controlled media in the West tried to pretend the Rio summit was a failure even though $513 billion was pledged by 100 nations to fight…

benjamin fulford

Benjamin Fulford: The Battle Has Been Against an Artificial Intelligence and Its Human Slaves

By Benjamin Fulford (Original article appears at As the old cliché goes, sometimes truth is stranger than fiction. Empirical evidence proves the current financial crisis has been caused by an artificial…

benjamin fulford

Ben Fulford: Cabal Begins Peace Negotiations, Detailed Discussions Begin – June 4, 2012

By Benjamin Fulford  The cabal that illegally seized power in the Western world and attempted to set up a fascist world dictatorship known as the New World Order is trying to negotiate…

banksy euro

Ben Fulford: Insiders Predict a 5-day Bank Holiday in Europe Before Euro Ends

Posted on May 28, 2012  By Benjamin Fulford The final showdown in the ongoing financial war is appearing imminent. The 140 nation BRICS alliance is preparing to offer to buy up all cash…

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