2013 Astrology

The Energetics of the June 2013 Solstice: Gateway to the Aquarian Age

HJ: The longest day of the year in the Northern hemisphere (and shortest in the Southern) is a window of time in which great advances in awareness and consciousness can be made by…


How to Use the Eclipse Energies to Grow and Improve Your Life

HJ: You don’t have to be particularly sensitive to notice the amplified energies that occur around eclipses.  These relatively rare celestial alignments offer unique opportunities for spiritually aware individuals to harness their energies for accelerated personal…


What is Going on With Our Sun? Sunspots and Human Consciousness

HJ: These days those involved in metaphysics hear quite a bit about the sun, sunspots, CME’s and their effects on human consciousness.  This incredibly in-depth article explores the relationship between human consciousness and…


How the Eclipses of 2013 Help Us to Access Our Multidimensional Nature

HJ: Eclipses are sacred alignments of celestial bodies which amplify and create specific energetic patterns that have the effect of transforming human consciousness, among other things.  As such, they are catalysts for change…


Understanding Where We Are in The Grand Cycles of Time That Govern the Rise and Fall of Consciousness in the Universe

HJ: When looking at the grand cycles of time that we exist in, it becomes very easy to determine where we are collectively headed, especially in terms of consciousness.  It is not widely…


Exploring Vedic Astrology: The Ancient Celestial Science of the Soul

HJ: Vedic astrology is a profound, ancient science that is stunningly accurate.  Based on precise astrological and celestial alignments at the time of our birth, it is a powerful tool for helping us to better…


How to Use Your Astrological Sign to Balance Your Health

HJ:  Astrology is truly a profound artform that can aid us greatly in understanding all aspects of ourselves.  I know I typically thought of astrology as more of a spiritual and mental science,…


The Emerging Spiritual Renaissance

HJ: We are at an extremely unique time in history.  The birth of the internet has made unimaginable amounts of spiritually enlightening information just a few clicks away.  As soon as someone is…


March 2013 Energy Forecast: Awakening The Lotus Heart

HJ: Is it not the main focus of our lives to discover who we truly are?  To realize the self and the unconditional love we all contain within?  If this has not been…


It’s 2013… What Now?

HJ: Many can feel that something major shifted this past Decemeber and that indeed we now find ourselves in a new age.  However, many also lack clarity as to just exactly what that…

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