How to Majorly Shift Your Level of Happiness in Just 3 Days
HJ: From one moment to the next you can become an stay ecstatically happy. All it takes is a shift in perception and how you live your life… – Truth The 3-Day Happiness…

The Law of Manifestation: How to Turn Your Thoughts and Dreams into Reality
HJ: Manifestation is an art and like an art, it requires practice to master. Most people forget this fact. Furthermore, there is far more to it than just thinking positive thoughts and visualization….

The 5 Biggest Things That Are Influencing Your Health More Than Anything Else
HJ: Health is not about any one thing… It’s about your holistic lifestyle… and that includes everything to what you eat to what you think and everything in between. But with that being…

Psycho-Spiritual Astrology: November 2015 Horoscope
November 2015 Horoscope – Astrological Psychology By Dr. Ron Holman | Discerning Wisdom — Written in Twilight Language which Incorporates Spelling & Other Grammatical Intentions Aries – 3/21 – 4/19 Celebrate, Celebrate, Celebrate Daily during this…