A Powerful Guided Meditation For Awakening and Activating Your Chakras


Guided Meditation to Open Up Your Energy Centres

By Marc Allen


Meditation is simple. In fact, one of the most difficult things about it is that it is so simple. Most people tend to think it should be more difficult or involve more effort… and so they don’t think they’re doing it correctly, and they quit doing it.

Active meditations involve a very subtle energy, directed by the imagination. Don’t work at it too hard; play with it and have fun with it. You’ll find it’s easy to create experiences in your inner field of vision—and once you do, you start to see the results of those inner visions in the outer world. You’ll remember these inner guided voyages as vividly as you remember all the other experiences in your life.

Here’s a meditation, based on a simple truth that many people don’t realize. If it were understood by more people, it would have a great effect on the world. This understanding in itself can be a direct path, something that can help you take quantum leaps in your evolution.

We have the power within us—in our mind, our imagination—to open up and activate every energy centre in our body. Our bodies have many different energy centres, of course—chakra is the Sanskrit word for these energy centres—and in most people, one or more is blocked somewhat, so that energy isn’t really moving freely through the whole being. Most people tend to focus their physical and emotional energy on one or two centres, simply out of habit and early conditioning.

In the traditional teachings of India, there are seven major chakras, and several minor ones. In the traditional teachings of the West (such as Kabbala), five major energy centres are described. It doesn’t matter specifically how you choose to break them down. The teaching is essentially the same, at its roots.

Each chakra is a physical and emotional centre of energy; each one corresponds to a major hormonal gland in the body. It’s worthwhile to take the time to explore each one of them. There’s a good chance that you’ve been ignoring a few, or holding a lot of tension and stress in them, which can lead to physical and emotional problems if that tension isn’t released.

Guided meditation

Sit comfortably, preferably with your spine straight. Or lie horizontally, if you prefer. Get comfortable, and relax….

Feel your presence, your life energy within….

Imagine a light above your head, touching the top of your head—a radiant, glowing ball of light energy that is at the open crown of your head and extends throughout the universe…

Imagine that this light is relaxing, soothing, healing the top of your skull and the upper reaches of your phenomenal brain…

Imagine the whole area opening up, releasing and relaxing…

Imagine it opening up the whole universe…

Breathe deeply into this area…

Feel the breaths opening, cleansing, releasing, allowing the energy to circulate freely.

Now feel the light moving down into the centre of your brain…

With closed eyes, look at the bright light between your brows, in your third eye…

Imagine a radiant, glowing ball of light energy fills your entire head, radiating outward…

Imagine this light relaxing, soothing, and healing the entire area…

Breathe deeply into your head…

Feel the breaths opening, cleansing, releasing, allowing the energy to circulate freely.

Now feel the light move down again and centre in your throat…

Imagine a radiant, glowing ball of energy radiating outward…

Imagine that this light is relaxing, soothing, healing the entire area of your throat…

Breathe deeply into this area…

Feel the breaths opening, cleansing, releasing, allowing the energy to circulate freely…

Now feel the light move down again, and centre in your heart…

Imagine a radiant, glowing ball of warm energy radiating out from your heart…

Imagine that this light is relaxing, soothing, healing the entire area of your heart and lungs and chest and back…

Breathe deeply into this area…

Feel the breaths opening your lungs and heart, cleansing, releasing, allowing the energy to circulate freely, throughout your entire body…

Open up your heart!

Now feel the light moving down again, and centering in your solar plexus and stomach area…

Imagine a radiant, glowing ball of spiritual energy radiating outward from your solar plexus and stomach…

Imagine that this light is relaxing, soothing, healing the entire area, including all internal organs….

Breathe deeply into this area…

Feel the breaths opening, cleansing, releasing, allowing the energy to circulate freely…

Now feel the light moving down again and centering in your sexual organs…

Imagine a glowing ball of radiant energy filling your whole sexual area…

Imagine the light is relaxing, soothing, healing the entire area…

Breathe deeply into this area…

Feel the breaths opening, cleansing, releasing, allowing the energy to circulate freely…

Now feel the light moving down again, and centering at the very base of your spine—your root chakra—then expanding down your legs and through your feet, into the earth…

Imagine a glowing ball of radiant energy radiating through the whole area…

Imagine that this light is relaxing, soothing, healing…

Breathe deeply into this area…

Feel the breaths opening, cleansing, releasing, allowing the energy to circulate freely…

Now feel the radiant light flowing through all your energy centres…

Feel the soothing power of the light that bathes your whole body….

Become aware that the light can charge any of your centres that have become depleted or blocked…

You are now recharging your energy centres…

See if you feel any tension in any area…

If you do, send light to it, and breathe into it.

You can affirm something like, “I am releasing…I am relaxing…I am letting go of all tension, all obstacles….”

Focus the light anywhere you wish…

Breathe into it, for as long as you wish…

Open up your energy centres!

Once you become aware of these energy centres in your body, you can direct the energy any way you wish. You are no longer at the mercy of forces beyond you, whether you feel they’re outside forces or internal ones. You are the master of your being—you can choose where to focus your energies.

You can direct the course of your destiny, consciously. You are already doing it unconsciously, so you might as well do it consciously.

Marc Allen is an internationally renowned author and president and publisher of New World Library, which he co-founded (with Shakti Gawain) in 1977.This article is excerpted from Marc Allen’s book Tantra for the West: A Direct Path to Living the Life of Your Dreams. Copyright © 1981, 2015 by Marc Allen. Published by New World Library.

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