October 2015 Horoscope – Astrological Psychology

By Dr. Ron Holman | Discerning Wisdom


Written in Twilight Language which Incorporates Spelling & Other Grammatical Intentions

Aries – 3/21 – 4/19

Knowing Now that the World Is Inn Play and the Proverbial Butterfly Effect Is for Real, you are Preparing a Stage. The Stage is supported by Being Playful with Light Energy that some can see and others are tickled in a traditional way. You already know that Being Playful Supports your process. What is coming to your awareness is another Completion and it will be a smooth and graceful fit in spite of the Show that you Put On! Once the Completion has taken place the energy you use to put on the Show for Others can be Directed More So Into the Play!

The Future calls for a journey into the Depth of the Void which your completions have prepared you to know what to do inn the Void! It is the Courage that you have Exercised that will bring you to the Trusting Place to Just Sit and Be Inn the Depths!

Taurus – 4/20 – 5/20

Inn the Depth of Your Heart of Hearts Is the Innocence of the Ages! As you gaze upon an aspect of Life you ability to participate increases! This is a place of Duality and in this place there are many and varied forms of Politics! While there are many faces Inn Play it is the Maturity that has connected you and given you access to ALL That Is, All that Can Be and All that Must Be. You maturity engenders the awakening of a Deeper Harmony that Is a Navigation Tool with the variety of Political Situations. The Fool is a Gift! This Energy is Important! Embrace the Fool! Being Playful has supported your Expansion. Keep it Up.

The Future Brings Many Big Opportunities. You will Be going Inn to the Depths of the Void! Relax Embrace and Huge Openings Occur! The habit of Being Prepared to ‘Fight’ to Survive fades! The Tendency to Postpone taking the Right Action Comes Inn to View and Understanding.

The Dream you had as a Child Awakens and Manifests! However, the Big News is that you Fall Inn Love with Yourself which Opens the Door to All forms of Love! Now the Breakthrough of the Ages Will Be Experienced! Massive amounts of Light Poors Forth! The Changes that Come are Inn a Whirl Wind and the ‘Rebel With Inn’ comes on Line Inn a Magical Way; buckle Up!

Gemini – 5/21 – 6/20

Inn the Depth of the Void you may or may not Be Inn your Awareness! However, the Clinging to the Past ‘Stuff’ is all boxed up and ready to Be Let Go Of! Once this happens your ability to Consciously Experience the Magic Inn Life! Feeling and or being Referred to as an Out Sider has benefited you! It caused you to Look to Clean Up your House! The Trick for you will Be to Consciously wake up to the Tendency to Project onto Others what Belongs to you and to Notice what Belongs to Others amplifying the circumstances of your life.

Your inner guidance has served you Well! What a Blessing from the Angelic Realm! There has been and will continue to be Great Support as you continue to process sincerely, leading to a Huge Breakthrough Inn the Future! There Is a Burst of Visible Light Coming Your Way.

Cancer – 6/21 – 7/22

As you Reach for the outstretched hands being offered to You the connecting Light that you seek Is there! Accepting the Success that has already come your way has caused your advancement Inn to the Light and you know this already. However, with Inn is a much more of a profound Harmonizing Energy Available to you Now! What to Do! You are doing it and it is the string of Breakthroughs that will open you up to this Harmonizing! Keep up the Good Work.

Now the Future! The Extra Ordinary when Ordinary becomes a Steady Diet! Find ways to view your successes and gifts as Ordinary and you can move into that Steady Diet! Certainly Viewing G-d as the One that Has the Success, even when Others are pointing at You, is a Good Start!

Leo – 7/23 – 8/22

Inn the Field of All Possibilities Lives the Leo at this Time. As you leave one sector another One Opens New and Different and the Same. It is the Courage that you have practiced that has become a habit: moving forward in the Face of Fear. Keep up the good work! Now, sitting high atop the Lotus Leaf You Leo find with Inn yourself the ultimate Courage. The Ultimate Courage is to Be OK with any and all circumstances presented in the Life; happy, sad, pleasure and pain! Being OK, means to Surrender to What Is Trusting that with Inn those very circumstances lies G-d’s Plan, Blessings and the Power to Carry Out God’s Plan. Surrendering to and Holding On to the Belief that All Circumstances will either Get you Closer to God or Further Away! Your Choice, Master!

The Feeling of Being an Outsider is manufactured as a result of looking at others and drawing some less than complementary conclusions about self! Stop It, Just Stop It and Notice that you can just as easily look at others and notice how you are similar, gifted and different! Take Courage in as many ways as you can!

Virgo – 8/23 – 9/22

This is a time for you Virgo to Heal both the Obvious Known and the Unknown! Set an intention to do so Right Now Please! The Process of Change has been activated and One of the Results Is Healing! Let it Be Known that when you heal Inn ways that have been with you for some time, there is a degree of hesitation to allow the Healing to Be Completed! Notice this or Knot it is your intention that activates the Healing. You have been breaking through issues, resistance and circumstances one after another; keep it Up.

You will arrive, at some point, to a Sorrow that has been carried through Time! When you are ready to dump the Clinging to the Past, the Sorrow is Quite Ready to Goooo!~ You have already done most of the Work, the final step is to just Be Ready to Let Go! This letting Go will result in a Brand Knew Kind of Flowering, the likes of which you have never seen!

Libra – 9/23 – 10/22

Because of the Depth of your Ability to Be Playful you are able to sit Inn the Depths of the challenges Inn the Life. Being surrounded by the habit to suppress rather than ‘Face’ you have done remarkable. You have been stretched beyond measure between needs and ‘must dos’! Because you have Been Receptive to God’s Plan you have developed a Quality of Receptivity that Most Dream About! However, buried deep with Inn is an Ancient Sorrow. For eons you have Ice-Olated yourself from Facing this Sorrow! It is your Receptivity that Opens the door as you Slow Down to Experience What Is There! Eventually you Step Inn to a Celebratory State which catapults you Inn to Action toward your Life Purpose! And you come upon an understanding that all the Magic is Ordinary Inn God’s Presence!

All this Prepars you to allow the Mind to ‘BE’ and Inn it’s Beingness is a Creativity that moves your Participation Inn the Life Inn to a Mode you Never Saw Coming, yet Profoundly Important to Your Life Purpose!

Scorpio – 10/23 – 11/21

Reaching for the Totality of All that WAS, IS and CAN BE is the Natural Expression of Life Inn a Body! How you Scorpio participate Inn that Reaching is a Flowering of Who You Are. Sit Inn ‘That’ that you are; sit without Expectation and the Flowering Comes! Your Participation is going to vary and change as you progress; believe it! However, walking away from what you know is a reaction to the Burden that you have carried through out the ages! Turning Inn Ward is the Key while allowing those Ghosts from the Past to just Be without meddling with them! Participate by Following your Heart and you will arrive Inn the space and state where the Lovers with Inn Live! With the Loves with Inn hand your Participation Prepares you Scorpios to Transform as you Dream of!

Sagittarius – 11/22 – 12/21

The Flow of Creativity has served you well. Creativity has caused you to reach up to Touch the Moon Maiden that covers you hair with Star Light! Creativity has Opened you up to the Source with Inn that is both male & female! Embrace that let it become more exquisitely balanced and the Depth of your Existence will Unfold Inn your Awareness Inn a Pristine Way!

The Unfolding arises from the Depth of Maturity cultivated from practice upon practice. As long as you keep practicing you will remain refreshed and energized. Should you notice any ‘Exhaustion’ begin practicing with Earnest!

Capricorn – 12/22 – 1/19

The sense of being pulled inn two directions has been going on sooo long you hardly notice it Now! On top of that the Politics that are impinging begin to look normal! The Quiet Support from the Depths is your ability to Just ‘Let Go’ and Let It All Be as it Is! Then there is a Guilt that screams, at times, Inn your brain. Your natural strategy with all this is to Postpone, put off and the blessing is that the Postponement ends up Being ‘Let Go’ of; mostly by Grace! What is quite Remarkable is that there is a Maturity that has evolved with Inn all this appearing to Be Such a Mess! Clearly you are being prepared for something ‘BIG’. Upon reaching the Depth of the Void find the Door by allowing yourself to Just Be! The Unfolding of the Infinity Creativity Opens a Celebratory Ability that Carries and Fortifies Your Journey henceforth!

In this State of Existence, All Alone and Being-ness Opens the Door for ALL of the Past Issues to Come forth to Be Cleared and Inn that Clearing Benefited from! All along there has Been and Continues to Be a Transformation a Rising Up from what appears to Be Overwhelming!

Be Inn the Silence of What Is and Find the Door!

Aquarius – 1/20 – 2/18

Pay Close Attention during this Time because 80% of the activities during this Time are Opportunities for Prosperity. Even the feeling of seeing little & being the Outsider may result Inn little seeing and or understanding of the Opportunities for Prosperity & more clarity coming! Clarity comes as you continue to ’Let go’ of the immediate perceptual meaning, in favor of your Inner Guidance that has propelled you Inn to this Prosperity Zone. Continue relying on your Guidance and your practice of Letting Go. The Current of Prosperity is So Large you will have to connect to a Global Wave First, Inn order to see its connection Inn to your Present set of Circumstances.

Letting Go has and will Propel you Aquarius to Realize that all the Success and Prosperity and Power and Capability is a meer pittance of what is Available Inn the Infinite. So, arriving at the personal perception that We are Ordinary rather than something special actually bring our unique specialness inn to alignment with the Infinite inn ways that cause the flow to continue and to increase.

Pisces – 2/19 – 3/20

While your Mind continues to set itself on ‘Fire’ with habitual counter productive thinking, there is less and less of that kind of habitual activity as you ‘Seek’ the Light Inn the SELF. Continue Please because the Benefits are Huge for you. As you progress arriving at an experiential understanding of comfortable Ordinariness arrives. Inn this State the Extra Ordinary becomes Ordinary which fosters More Grace Arriving with Inn your Awareness. The Totality of All that is Sought & Available has Connected On Both Ends; One End Is Light the Other is Human Touch. Selfless Giving Fosters More Light! Inn the Silence with Inn the Light that Arrives Inn your Receptivity Opens.

Being Prepared to notice, accept and deal with deep Conditioning from Family, Culture, Religion and ALL the Past will be coming your way Inn the Future. Be Excited as this is an Opportunity to bring Inn to Alignment an Incredible Amount of Knew Freedom.

Dr. Ron Holman has traveled the world for over 30 years studying the healing practices of indigenous peoples researching the phenomenon of spontaneous remission of disease. He has studied with many many teachers, learned many healing techniques, sat with world famous healers, miracle men, a few charlatans, two black magicians, and well-meaning yet inept teachers before he was gifted from the Lord the ability to see what is behind a person; in other words where they get their juice. In 2010 Dr. Ron went to India where he has been many times to study with Ma Gyaana Suvera who has been teaching Tarot for 40 years. After the first day Ma said to Swaha, ‘you are as good as my students that have been reading for 20 years’. After the second day Ma said, ‘you are as good as me’ and asked Swaha for a reading. It seems that Swaha awakened to 1,000 years of Tarot Wisdom in two days.  Visit his website: www.Discerning-Wisdom.com | Swaha@Discerning-Wisdom.com | 818-298-6100

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