HJ: Inspiration, imagination and intuition are everything.  These are the keys to connecting with your all-knowing, all-seeing higher self that will guide you effortlessly through life… steadfastly down the path of least resistance.  That is, the path of great joy, abundance, healing, expansion and growth.

– Truth

How to Find Your Inner Muse (Inspiration)

By Manal Ghosain | One With Now


Where does inspiration come from?

Can we set ourselves up to attract more inspiration into our lives?

Looking for inspiration can be a challenge. Inspiration comes in waves; it ebbs and flows. It remains a mystery to me. Doing the same things may, or may not, inspire us.

We mostly look for inspiration in the world—as an outer source. We feel inspired by other people, nature, stories, family, experiences, and so on. These are all wonderful sources. But there is more.

One source of inspiration that’s either ignored, or taken for granted, is the most important one—the inspiration within.

Our inner world is the main source of inspiration. Any outer source is merely a connection to something within us. And we can tap into this inner source at any time.

How to find your inner muse

We have at our disposal tools and techniques that can nourish our hearts and souls, and inspire us to new levels of being, creating, and sharing with the world.


Our imagination is the most powerful tool by far. It can also be our worst enemy—if we use it to feed fear and limitation.

We can imagine anything. So why not make it something creative and empowering?

If you want to inspire yourself to learn, or write, or do a good job, imagine one person talking to you.

  • How does she (or he) look like?
  • How does she/he sound?
  • What tone is your muse using with you?

Let your imagination run wild and create the ideal muse—one that’s supportive, kind, loving, and truly motivating. Your inner muse can be your constant creative companion.

Imagine that one person every time you want to create something new.


Our gut feeling has the wisdom of all of life—past and present. It can be a powerful source of inspiration.

So pose a question to yourself: What can I do about feeling stuck with no ideas for a writing (or any other) project?

Be still for a few moments and feel what comes up. It can be a nudge, or it can be nothing.

Even when we don’t get an answer, we can trust that it will come, when the time is right. We started a dialogue with our inner wisdom and are open to receiving any feedback.

Past success

We’re experts in remembering (and beating ourselves up over) our mistakes and regrets. Recalling past successes will lift our spirits and boost our faith in our abilities.

Recall success in its most vivid details. How did it feel back then? How does it feel now?


When we sit still, and take time to just be, we create a calm space. In this space we can listen to what the universe, our intuition, or our inner thoughts, bring to our attention.

It may feel counter intuitive to sit and do nothing when we feel empty. But in that space of stillness, we create the perfect environment for renewal and creativity—without stress or worry.


It’s said that meditation is listening to god (life, the universe) and prayer is talking to god.

We can simply pray to god, the universe, life, or our inner self, and ask for what we’d like to have. We can ask for ideas, motivation, a burst of energy, or anything we desire.

Opening the dialogue with life doesn’t mean that we’ll get what we want right away. Time is not the issue; the main thing is that we replaced hazy thoughts with a clear request. And that is definitely going to set us up for receiving, sooner or later.

All of the above are mostly inner processes that don’t require physical effort and may not have visible results. The thing to keep in mind is: we all used some (if not all) of them in the past—consciously or unconsciously.

So let’s set an intention and work with the tools we have to create, to feel moved and inspired, and to connect with life.

If you’d like to do something physical to foster creativity, consider the following ideas.

Activities that may inspire

Free expression: Write whatever comes to mind, without editing, and see where it takes you. Draw or doodle whatever comes to you in the moment. Play a few musical notes on the piano, or a few chords on the guitar. Do it without expectations and without structure.

Play: Do anything that you consider fun—not something that feels like work, or has expectations attached to it. Just let go of wanting the inspiration badly, and have fun.

Connect with nature: Go for a walk, sit in a quiet park, do some gardening, swim, or take a bath (not nature, but close enough). Spending time in nature calms an anxious mind.

Do something unrelated: Wash the dishes, watch a movie, clean your desk, talk to someone, or work on another project. Any unrelated activity can be the spark we need to ignite our spirits and come up with new ideas.

A few thoughts about feeling inspired

All of the tools, techniques, and actions above won’t be effective, if you don’t allow yourself to feel inspired. Here are a few things to consider.

Trust is essential. Trust that life will provide you with whatever you need, when you need it. And trust that you have what it takes to do anything. Without trust we can’t move forward.

Desperation and expectations do more harm than good. If we feel desperate, and focus on lack, we’ll only have more of the same—lack.

Listening is crucial. Inspiration may come in a gentle whisper or a smack upside the head. Both require us to pay attention to the message and see how we can use it creatively.

Remain open to possibilities. What we look for and what we get might be completely different. If we are open to, and are willing to work with, what we receive, we will find inspiration in the most unexpected situations.

Our inner muse does not only channel creativity. It’s also a powerful source of awareness. When we focus within, we awaken to higher levels of thinking, perceiving, and being … and we become more alive.

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