April 2015

15 Things Keeping You Stuck (and How to Breakthrough Them and Move Forward With Ease and Grace)

HJ: As a wise teacher once said, what’s in the way is the way.  There is wisdom in our obstacles and in transcending them we grow and expand in beautiful ways. – Truth…


15 Powerful Natural Remedies For Anxiety and Calming the Heart and Mind

HJ: As an adjunct to deep mental and emotional healing, natural herbal remedies are extremely powerful for dealing with anxiety and calming the heart and mind.  With that being said it is important…


How to Transcend Time and the Ego in Advanced States of Consciousness

HJ: Since you create your perception of time, you can change it and even transcend it.  Brilliant researcher and professor Steve Taylor dives into the various ways to achieve this by working with…


How to Access the Wisdom of Your Infinite Self

HJ: You are infinite.  You are powerful beyond measure.  You are an aspect of the divine in human form and as soon you as realize and embrace this fully to the depths of…


3 Powerful Methods for Pineal Gland Activation

HJ: Your pineal gland is the interface between the spiritual levels of consciousness and the physical manifestation of consciousness.  It is a gateway, in a sense, that translates information and impulses between two…


9 Steps to Conquer Fear With Spiritual Awareness

HJ: Understanding fear is one of the primary keys to conquering and transforming it.  And by bringing a high level of spiritual awareness to any situation that causes fear you can quite easily transcend the…


10 Questions to Transform Problems Into Opportunities and Growth

HJ: Most problems can be solved and handled quite easily by simply shifting your perspective.  And one of the fastest and easiest ways to do that is through the asking of brilliant questions…


The 7 Keys to Interpreting Your Dreams

HJ: In every sense, your dreams are just as real as your waking reality.  However, dreams take place on a higher plane — the astral plane, where the normal laws and rules of…

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