12 Ancient Medicinal Herbs to Increase Energy, Strength and Vitality
HJ: The beauty of herbs is that they support the body’s healing process and ultimately work to restore balance. When used properly, they don’t mask symptoms, but instigate healing at the root level…
Psycho-Spiritual Astrology: February 2015 Horoscope
February 2015 Horoscope – Astrological Psychology By Dr. Ron Holman | Discerning Wisdom — Written in Twilight Language which Incorporates Spelling & Other Grammatical Intentions Aries – 3/21 – 4/19 You Aries are supported to Glide…
5 Ways to Stay Focused on Only What’s Essential For Creating Happiness, Health and Flow in Your Life
HJ: Life can be overwhelming at times. We are constantly presented with a myriad of complex choices. But what if you knew how to hone in on those choices most likely to create…
How to Communicate With and Heal Your Body’s Cells
HJ: If you only knew how powerful your heart and mind are and how responsive your body is to their every fluctuation and whim, you would never ever think a negative thought or…
How to Heal and Strengthen Your Energy Body With Auric Breathing
HJ: It is believed in many traditions that all imbalances in the physical body originate from imbalances in the auric field, aka the energy body. Either way, it is just as vital and…
How to Transform Desire and Struggle Into Contentment and Peace
HJ: Your life can become effortless. In fact, the path of least resistance is the default state of all life in the universe. It is only us as humans, with our higher mental…