12 Spiritual Plants For Clearing Out Negative Energy and Bad Vibes

HJ: For thousands of years, shamans have been using plants to heal not just the body, but the mind and spirit as well.  Negative energy, bad vibes, intense emotions and so on can all be cleared out by the judicious use of the appropriate herbs either as a food, essential oil, or through practices like smudging (burning them).  The best part about these plants is that they can all be found at your local health food store in one form or another.

– Truth

12 Herbs or Plants Best At Deflecting Negative Energy

By Josh Richardson | Prevent Disease

We all draw energy from different source to feed emotional states and this can essentially energize cells within our body, cause increases in cortisol and catabolize cells depending on the emotional trigger. There are specific herbs that have used for millennia, whose frequencies are known to have an impact in deflecting and transforming negative energies. This is largely the basis of many therapeutic essential oils. Here are 12 excellent herbs at deflecting negative energy and balancing your connection to all that is.



Basil is a symbol of fertility and in Italy, basil is known as the symbol for love because the leaves resemble hearts. The Basil deva (plant spirit) is a protector of family, and burning basil oil will help to relieve negativity from the home. It l creates a sympathetic vibration and is often worn to assist in clashes with other people. Basil stimulates the conscious mind to invoke happiness. Opens the heart meridian-clears energy movement between the heart and the hands. Basil oil is also associated with clairvoyance, divination and honesty.



Has been used for thousands of years for neutralizing energies. The smoke from white sage is known by the North American Indians to be very cleansing. Sage emits negative ions which is the good stuff you find in the air just after a storm or at the ocean. You can dab the essential oil on the pulse points of your body. The Greeks and Romans wrote that the smoke imparted wisdom and mental acuity. You can also use the smoke of a smudge stick of white sage to neutralize energies in your home. By pulling the smoke gently around your body and into your auric field, you can neutralize the discordant energies in your auric field. You could also benefit greatly by planting it around your house.



Fennel has long been associated with longevity, courage and strength. It wards off negative energies by its purifying properties and provides protection to the human energy field while fortifying healthy boundaries.Fennel is also thought to be of assistance in influencing others to trust your words. Fennel symbolizes; victory, heroism, flattery, strength, praiseworthiness, fierceness in battle and success. Fennel is also associated with; Healing, vitality and virility.



Used in Rituals and spell crafting to promote love, long life, and happiness. Sniff the Essential Oil to clear your conscious mind and improve your memory. Rosemary was traditionally burned in Greek temples as an offering to the goddesses and gods. Rosemary oil, when burned, emits powerful cleansing and purifying vibrations, and is used to rid a place of negativity. Rosemary is most commonly known as a symbol of remembrance and is an aid to strengthen and fortify the memory. Rosemary is also associated with; friendship, passion; increasing mental powers; preventing nightmares and sleep.



Used to heal (purify) a room or house of negative psychic energy, especially when people have been engaged in verbal, emotional or physical combat. It will naturally carry the essence or energy for cleansing and healing whatever is congesting your energy pathways to success. Eucalyptus oil is great for cleaning out residual energy.



Produces a heightened awareness of the spiritual realms and will deepen any secular experience. It elevates personal and spiritual love and heightens awareness on all levels by inspiring and awakening the spiritual senses. It Reduces stress by pointing out that our lives are bound up with more than one reality. Promotes higher consciousness and is ideal to use before meditation. Frankincense releases powerful vibrations for protection and purification. It enhances divine connection and brings inner peace.



Fosters happiness, harmony, love, peace, protection, psychic development, growth, and tranquillity. Medicinally, it’s similarly been used for centuries. In traditional Chinese medicine and European folk medicine, it’s been useful to treat and prevent a variety of emotional and physical ailments. Practitioners of some forms of Stregheria brew an oregano tea and then use it to wash down the outer walls of homes, forming a protective barrier against negative energy.



Promotes healing and heightens courage. Strengthens the conscious mind and helps with retrieving long lost memories. Clove provides insight into our pain (physical or emotional). It allows a connection into the realm that the physical and emotional are interwoven.



Aids in all Rituals involving health, love and peace. Lavender can dispel depression, and helps to control our emotions. Sprinkled on your pillow it encourages sleep. It promotes happiness and harmony in the home by providing tranquillity, ensuring fidelity and devotion in relationships.



Aids in all rituals involving peace, sex and love. The fragrance and energies are soothing and will calm anger and negative emotional states. With proper visualization is can be a powerful aphrodisiac.



Cleanses and purifies the human energy field, strengthening the energetic boundary offering protection against all negativity, increases vital energy flow and grounds both the mental and emotional bodies. Vetiver is also associated with; tranquillity, psychic protection, wisdom; centring; intuition, peace and luck.



Encompasses and enhances both the spiritual and physical well-being of men and women. It fosters protection, clairvoyance, consecration, divination, and meditation. It is thought that sandalwood guides away the distractions of the mind back to the sensual joy of the body-the oil is said to predispose the body and mind to sexual ecstasy. Sandalwood has one of the highest vibrations of any oil that resonates with aspects of ourselves, attracting the highest spiritual vibrations, opening the highest spiritual centres and aligning the chakras to enhance spiritual awareness and allowing healing energies to flow.

2 total comments on this postSubmit yours
  1. Dragon blood resin ,myrrh with frankincense resin is powerful cleaner

  2. I enjoyed the purposes! It was a re-fresher for my memory! Wonderful and thanks


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